- Clone the project with GIT
- Open console in "Team.F/laravel-backend"
- Run "composer install"
- Run "php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example','.env');"
- Run "php artisan optimize"
- Run "php artisan key:generate"
- Run "php artisan serve" - to run the server (default port:8000)
- Enjoy.
- download node.js (from site)
- add the path to the Computer Environment Variables ( to check the path just run ">>where npm" in windows cmd)
- cd to vue-frontend
- Run "npm install"
- Run "npm run dev" - to run the server (default port:8080).
Frontend Platform: Javascript (Vue.js 2 framework)
Backend Platform: PHP (Laravel 5.4 framework)
- Dima Pindrik
- Timur Misharin
- Maoz Ben Yehuda
- Benny Talpa
- Daniel Saka