A custom Unity Editor tool. A node-based graph editor for creating visual novel scenes.
DEVN offers all of the expected functionality and features that are provided with a visual novel. This includes:
- Audio (BGM, ambience, SFX & voice)
- Backgrounds (includes CGs)
- Characters
- Dialogue
- Choices, conditions & branching paths
- Auto & Log
- Save/Load (coming soon)
- Settings (coming soon)
Follow these instructions to set-up DEVN for your Unity Project.
- Clone this repository using
- Or, alternatively, download the .zip file containing the repository.
- Ensure the DEVN folder is placed inside of the assets folder of your Unity Project, e.g.
- Installation complete!
Follow these instructions to get started using DEVN.
- In the project view, navigate to
and locate the prefab named "DEVN Canvas" - Drag and drop said prefab on to the scene hierarchy
- In the project view, navigate to a folder that you would like to create your DEVN scenes in
- Right-click, and select
- Remember the "DEVN Canvas" prefab that was placed on the hierarchy? Navigate to the "Scene Manager" component and set the newly created DEVN scene as the "Start Scene"
- To open the scene editor window, under the Unity toolbar, navigate to
Window/DEVN/Scene Editor
- In the scene editor window, under "Current Scene", select your newly created DEVN scene
- You are now ready to edit your scene! Try right-clicking on the graph and have a look at each node and their properties
- Hint: Try starting with a background node! Most visual novel scenes will need a background at the start of the scene
For a more detailed explanation, refer to the FAQs, and/or internal documentation.
to do
Reach out to me on one of these platforms for support/enquiries.
- Website:
to do
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @DillonHandyside
Here are a few notable people who helped me out on this project! :)
- Twitter: @Delicious_Hams
- Twitter: @ChrispyDesign
- Github: Pyromage
And finally, shoutout to the Discord boys (for "ooh"ing and "aah"ing at my gifs and screenshots)