commandline client for influxdb, in Go similar to mysql, pgsql, etc.
- implements allmost all available influxdb api features
- makes influxdb features available through the query language, even when influxdb itself only supports them as API calls.
- readline (history searching and navigation. uses ~/.influx_history)
- ability to read commands from stdin, pipe command/query out to external process or redirect to a file
- apache2 licensed, see included license file
go get
The commandline options (see below) can also be stored in ~/.influxrc
Although this is entirely optional.
For example:
host = "localhost"
port = 8086
user = "root"
pass = "root"
db = ""
asyncCapacity = 100 # in datapoints
asyncMaxWait = 1000 # in ms
The values in use at runtime follow this order of preference:
defaults -> influxrc -> commandline args -> interactive updates
Pro-tip: you can use the writerc
command at runtime to generate this file,
it will export the current runtime values.
or just influx-cli
if you put $GOPATH/bin
in your $PATH
Usage: influx-cli [flags] [query to execute on start]
-async=false: when enabled, asynchronously flushes inserts
-db="": database to use
-host="localhost": host to connect to
-pass="root": influxdb password
-port=8086: port to connect to
-recordsOnly=false: when enabled, doesn't display header
-user="root": influxdb username
Note: you can also pipe queries into stdin, one line per query
options & current session
\r : show records only, no headers
\t : toggle timing, which displays timing of
query execution + network and output displaying
(default: false)
\async : asynchronously flush inserts
\comp : disable compression (client lib doesn't support enabling)
\db <db> : switch to databasename (requires a bind call to be effective)
\user <username> : switch to different user (requires a bind call to be effective)
\pass <password> : update password (requires a bind call to be effective)
bind : bind again, possibly after updating db, user or pass
ping : ping the server
create admin <user> <pass> : add given admin user
delete admin <user> : delete admin user
update admin <user> <pass> : update the password for given admin user
list admin : list admins
create db <name> : create database
delete db <name> : drop database
list db : list databases
list series [/regex/[i]] : list series, optionally filtered by regex
delete server <id> : delete server by id
list servers : list servers
list shardspaces : list shardspaces
data i/o
insert into <name> [(col1[,col2[...]])] values (val1[,val2[,val3[...]]])
: insert values into the given columns for given series name.
columns is optional and defaults to (time, sequence_number, value)
(timestamp is assumed to be in ms. ms/u/s prefixes don't work yet)
select ... : select statement for data retrieval
conn : display info about current connection
raw <str> : execute query raw (fallback for unsupported queries)
echo <str> : echo string + newline.
this is useful when the input is not visible, i.e. from scripts
writerc : write current parameters to ~/.influxrc file
commands : this menu
help : this menu
exit / ctrl-D : exit the program
ANY command above can be subject to piping to another command or writing output to a file, like so:
command; | <command> : pipe the output into an external command (example: list series; | sort)
note: currently you can only pipe into one external command at a time
command; > <filename> : redirect the output into a file