- npm install - to install all libraries init
- npm start - will run the application on localhost:3000 by default
- Displayed a list of movies sorted in descending order of popularity.
- Show the movie title, image, genre, cast, director, and a short description related to the movie in each information card.
- Loaded a total of only 20 movies for each year
- By default, when a user lands on the page, display a list of movies of the year 2012
- Loaded movies of previous year when user scrolls up and load movies of next year when user scrolls down until the current year.
- When the user scrolls and movies are added to the list, make sure that this interaction is smooth and doesn’t cause any jitters.
- Provided a filter UI that allows users to filter movies by genre.
- When a user selects one or more genres, the list should only display movies of the selected genres.
- Used TypeScript for enhanced type safety and code quality.