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[WIP] SnapTable

MIT bundlephobia types npm version

Plugin for jsPDF to write a table to pdf written with typescript.

const  doc = new  jsPDF({ unit:  "px" });
const  snapTable = new  SnapTable(doc)
const  output = doc.output("datauri");

Supported Data:

    head: ['Name', 'Email', 'Country'],
    body: [
        ['Caitlin', '[email protected]', 'Sweden'],
        ['Gale', '[email protected]', 'Norway'],
        ['Roslyn', '[email protected]', 'Australia'],
        ['Reyna', '[email protected]', 'Ireland'],
        ['Sheree', '[email protected]', 'Germany'],
        ['Mueller', '[email protected]', 'United States of America'],
        ['Gray', '[email protected]', 'Sweden'],
        ['Fitzpatrick', '[email protected]', 'France'],

Individual cell can be modified with cell config object

    head: ['Name', 'Email', 'Country'],
    body: [
        ['Caitlin', '[email protected]', 'Sweden'],
        ['Gale', '[email protected]', 'Norway'],
        ['Roslyn', '[email protected]', 'Australia'],
        ['Reyna', '[email protected]', {
            text: "Ireland",
            background: "#F24436",
            color: "#FFFFFF"
        ['Sheree', '[email protected]', 'Germany'],
        ['Mueller', '[email protected]', 'United States of America'],
        ['Gray', {
            text: "[email protected]",
            background: "#FFFFFF",
            color: "#FBC02D"
        }, 'Sweden'],
        ['Fitzpatrick', '[email protected]', 'France'],


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yarn run storybook

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