If you'd like to make improvements / changes to the website, please refer to the Development branch here
For usage guidelines concerning the Devvit.io logo, please refer to the this page concerning what is okay generally speaking and what is not okay for Using the Devvit.io Logo
Essentially, replace the words github and Octocat with Devvit.io and basically the same rules apply here.
- Use the Octocat or GitHub logo to link to GitHub
- Use the Mark in social buttons to link to your GitHub profile or project
- Use the Octocat or GitHub logo to advertise that your product has built-in GitHub integration
- Use the Octocat or GitHub logo in a blog post or news article about GitHub
- Use the Octocat or GitHub logo for your application’s icon
- Create a modified version of the Octocat or GitHub logo
- Integrate the Octocat or GitHub logo into your logo
- Use any GitHub artwork without permission
- Sell any GitHub artwork without permission
- Change the colors, dimensions or add your own text/images
- If you want to use artwork not included in this repository
- If you want to use these images in a video/mainstream media
- Naming projects and products
- Please avoid naming your projects anything that implies GitHub’s endorsement. This also applies to domain names.
In short, the GitHub logos and Octocat represent only GitHub and should not be used to represent your products.