This project keeps the tasks for the Devoxx4Kids quadcopter workshop. This workshop was made for 8 to 14 year old kids. The first three workshops represented the basic workshop package, which all kids have to program in their way to succeed the given exercise. If they succeeded, they were free to try what they want with the quadcopter.
Use all instructions of the quadcopter to learn what you can do and learn the syntax:
- Backward
- Forward
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down
- Clockwise
- Counterclockwise
Fly a rectangle and a triangle.
Fly the famous "Haus of Nikolaus". It is a mathematical problem of the graph theory, where a euler path but no euler cycle does exists (
The kids should solve this exercise with absolute values and the function go().
The presentation and a handout for the kids are available in the presentation directory.
Check this out with the repository side by side.
git clone [email protected]:Devoxx4KidsDE/workshop-quadcopter.git
git clone
Go to the 'workshop-quadcopter' directory
cd workshop-quadcopter
Install all dependencies via npm (Node has to be installed,
npm install
Go to the 'workshop-quadcopter' directory
cd workshop-quadcopter
Start a mission which is located in the workshop directory with
node startMission.js $mission-name
Hint: You do not need to use the full path or the file extension. The name of the file suffices. Also make sure that you installed 'ardrone-autonomy'
node startMission.js one