Devnagri Over the Air for Android lets you update translations in your Android app without having to release it every single time.
By including our SDK, your app will check for updated translations in Devnagri regularly and download them in the background.
As a first step a new maven repository needs to be added to your default dependency resolution file set by your project, it can be either your project build.gradle file or settings.gradle file:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the below dependency in your app build.gradle file:
dependencies {
implementation ('com.github.DevnagriAI:android-sdk:2.0.2@aar') { transitive(true) }
Use Kotlin version 1.4.30 or above and Gradle JDK version 17. This SDK support only kotlin language. Target/Compile SDK should be 34.
Initialise the SDK in your application class and add the API_KEY from Devnagri.
class MainApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
val syncTime:Int = 60 //In minutes, minimum 10 minute allowed
val strings =
val arrays =
val plurals =
// passing arrays and plurals in init method is optional here, pass them only if defined in strings.xml file
DevnagriTranslationSDK.init(applicationContext, "API_KEY" ,syncTime, strings, arrays, plurals, initListener = {isInitialized, error ->
Additionally, you need to inject the SDK in each activity, e.g. by creating a base activity which all other activities inherit from:
class BaseActivity : AppCompatActivity()
override fun getDelegate(): AppCompatDelegate
return DevnagriTranslationSDK.fetchAppDelegate(this, super.getDelegate())
The SDK override the functionality of @string and getString by default.
In case you don't want to use the system language, you can set a different language in the updateAppLocale method. The language code (locale) needs to be present in a release from Devnagri. updateAppLocale function may take some time (for example: 3-4 seconds), we suggest you to add a loader before calling updateAppLocale and stop in callback.
//Start loader here
val locale = Locale("hi");
DevnagriTranslationSDK.updateAppLocale(this,locale, completionHandler = {isCompleted, error ->
//Stop loader here
Please note that you will get the english text back if your device language is english or you have not set any specific language for the SDK. To get the translation in Hindi, Please update app locale to Hindi as per above method.
You can get supported languages for the SDK using this method. This will return hashmap of language name and language code
val supportedLangauges = DevnagriTranslationSDK.getAllSupportableLanguages()
You can use these methods anywhere in your project and these will provide translation for current active locale in callback method.
DevnagriTranslationSDK.getTranslationOfString("SampleText"){ translation ->
// use translated text here
val arrayList = arrayListOf ("SampleText1","SampleText2","SampleText3")
DevnagriTranslationSDK.getTranslationOfStrings(arrayList){ translations ->
// use translated text here
val map = hashMapOf (Pair("A","SampleText1"), Pair("B","SampleText2"), Pair("C","SampleText3") )
DevnagriTranslationSDK.getTranslationOfMap(map){ translations ->
// use translated map here
// This method is used to convert the entire JSON object to requested language // ignoreKeys -> Send a list of strings that you want to ignore during the conversion process
val jsonObject = JSONObject()
jsonObject.put("sample_key", "Sample Text")
jsonObject.put("sample_key_one", "Sample Text1")
val ignoreKeys: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList()
DevnagriTranslationSDK.getTranslationOfJSON(jsonObject, ignoreKeys) {
//use translated JSON Object here
- Please add DevnagriSDK dependency in each module level gradle file.
- If you have multiple modules in your application, then in each module's base activity override the below method.
override fun getDelegate(): AppCompatDelegate {
return DevnagriTranslationSDK.fetchAppDelegate(this, super.getDelegate())
Translations can be used as usual in layouts:
<TextView android:text="@string/translation_key" />
And inside code:
val text = findViewById( as TextView