PowerShell Module to find compatible attestation FIDO2 keys for Entra.
Database Last Updated: 2025-01-23
- View and filter standard properties
- See all properties in nicely formatted JSON
- Import AAGUIDs from .TXT, .CSV, and .XLSX file
- Accepts pipeline input for AAGUIDs
- See all standard properties then pick out which properties you want to see - For some of the properties you will have to format because of nesting
- Merge FIDO Alliance and Microsoft Data together through GitHub Action
- Web Version to see and filter all AAGUIDs
# Run first if you need to set Execution Policy
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
# Install EntraFIDOFinder
Install-PSResource -Name EntraFIDOFinder -Scope CurrentUser
# Find all compatible keys
# Find all Yubico keys
Find-FIDOKey -Brand Yubico
# Find all Yubico and OneSpan
Find-FIDOKey -Brand Yubico,Onespan
# Find keys that have both USB and NFC
Find-FIDOKey -Type USB,NFC -TypeFilterMode AtLeastTwo
# Find keys that have either USB or NFC
Find-FIDOKey -Type USB,NFC
# Find keys that are FIDO 2.1
Find-FIDOKey -FIDOVersion "FIDO 2.1"
# Find keys that are FIDO 2.1 with all properties in JSON output
Find-FIDOKey -FIDOVersion "FIDO 2.1" -AllProperties
# Here is an example showing the standard with Protocol Family
Find-FIDOKey -DetailedProperties | Select-Object Vendor, Description, @{Name="ProtocolFamily";Expression={$_.metadataStatement.protocolFamily}} | fl
# Find information on a single AAGUID
"50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048" | Find-FIDOKey
# Find information on more than 1 AAGUID
"973446ca-e21c-9a9b-99f5-9b985a67af0f", "50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048" | Find-FIDOKey
# Import multiple AAGUID from a file (.xlsx, .csv, and .txt)
Find-FIDOKey -AAGUIDFile "aaguid.xlsx"
# Find your databse version and compare to newest version
# View Master Database Log
Brands: This parameter is validated so if you start typing in a brand and press tab it will fill the rest of the brand name in if it is available.
Type: The four types of keys are USB, NFC, BIO, and BLE which are also validated in so you can tab complete.
AllProperties: Shows all properties from the FIDO Alliance in JSON format
DetailedProperties: Allows you to pull any property from the FIDO Alliance, but some you may have to play with depending on how nested they are.
"50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048", "973446ca-e21c-9a9b-99f5-9b985a67af0f" | Find-FIDOKey
Vendor : ACS
Description : ACS FIDO Authenticator
AAGUID : 50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048
Bio : No
USB : Yes
NFC : No
BLE : No
Version : FIDO 2.1 PRE
ValidVendor : Yes
Vendor : ACS
Description : ACS FIDO Authenticator Card
AAGUID : 973446ca-e21c-9a9b-99f5-9b985a67af0f
Bio : No
USB : No
NFC : Yes
BLE : No
Version : FIDO 2.1 PRE
ValidVendor : Yes
"50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048" | Find-FIDOKey -AllProperties
"Vendor": "ACS",
"Description": "ACS FIDO Authenticator",
"AAGUID": "50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048",
"Bio": "No",
"USB": "Yes",
"NFC": "No",
"BLE": "No",
"Version": "FIDO 2.1 PRE",
"ValidVendor": "Yes",
"metadataStatement": {
"legalHeader": "Submission of this statement and retrieval and use of this statement indicates acceptance of the appropriate agreement located at https://fidoalliance.org/metadata/metadata-legal-terms/.",
"aaguid": "50a45b0c-80e7-f944-bf29-f552bfa2e048",
"description": "ACS FIDO Authenticator",
"authenticatorVersion": 10000,
"protocolFamily": "fido2",
"schema": 3,
"upv": [
"major": 1,
"minor": 1
"major": 1,
"minor": 0
], and more data below
If you are curious on the FIDO Alliance data, I've now added that into the metadata and it will be compared once a month when the FIDO Alliance publishes the newest version. It is accessible in the PowerShell version using the -AllProperties parameter, or in the web version by clicking on the actual key, then clicking on "Show Raw Data."