Github rest api Deno module I make it for my personel use, at this time it is not complete, but you can use it if you want.
import { Ghrapi } from "";
const gh = new Ghrapi({
entrypoint?: "your github api entrypoint", // by default is
token?: "your github token", // if you want to use private repo (you don't need to pass it if is a env var)
orgs?: ["your orgs"], // if you want to use organisations repos
me: "your github username"
// Get all own repos
const repos = await gh.userRepos({}?: UserReposOptions);
// Get all own repos from an user
const repos = await gh.userRepos({
username?: "username"
}?: UserReposOptions);
// Get all own repos from an organisation
const repos = await gh.orgRepos({
org?: "org name"
}?: OrgReposOptions);
export type GithubApiOptions = {
entrypoint?: string;
token?: string;
orgs?: string[];
me: string;
export type OrgReposOptions = {
type?: "all" | "public" | "private" | "forks" | "sources" | "member" | "internal";
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "pushed" | "full_name";
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
per_page?: number;
page?: number;
export type UserReposOptions = OrgReposOptions & {
visibility?: "all" | "public" | "private",
affiliation?: string,
type?: "all" | "owner" | "public" | "private" | "member",
since?: string,
before?: string,
import { Ghrapi } from "";
const gh = new Ghrapi({
token: "your github token", // if you want to use private repo (you don't need to pass it if is a env var)
me: "your github username"
const repos = await gh.userRepos({
options: {
type: "all",
sort: "created",
direction: "asc",
per_page: 1,
page: 1
- Add more stuff
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