SmoothLingua is an open-source conversational AI platform that empowers you to create and deploy intelligent conversational agents. It offers a versatile and customizable framework for building smart chatbots capable of comprehending and responding to user input.
Intent Recognition: Train your model to recognize user intents, such as greetings, farewells, inquiries, and more.
Story Management: Define conversation flows using stories, specifying sequences of intents and corresponding bot responses.
Rule-Based Responses: Create rules to handle specific scenarios and ensure precise responses.
Trainer Module: Train your conversational agent with ease using the built-in trainer module.
Extensibility: Extend SmoothLingua to integrate with your existing systems and services.
Install SmoothLingua via NuGet Package Manager Console:
Install-Package SmoothLingua
using SmoothLingua;
using SmoothLingua.Abstractions;
using SmoothLingua.Abstractions.Stories;
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
Trainer trainer = new Trainer();
trainer.Train(new Domain(
new List<SmoothLingua.Abstractions.NLU.Intent>()
new SmoothLingua.Abstractions.NLU.Intent("Greeting",
new List<string>(){ "Hello", "Hi" }),
new SmoothLingua.Abstractions.NLU.Intent("Good",
new List<string>(){ "I am fine", "I am good, thank you" }),
new SmoothLingua.Abstractions.NLU.Intent("Bad",
new List<string>(){ "I am feeling bad", "I am not good" }),
new SmoothLingua.Abstractions.NLU.Intent("Bye",
new List<string>(){ "Good bye", "Bye" })
new List<Story>()
new Story("Good", new List<SmoothLingua.Abstractions.Stories.Step>()
new IntentStep("Greeting"),
new ResponseStep("Hello from bot!"),
new IntentStep("Good"),
new ResponseStep("I am glad to hear that!")
new Story("Bad", new List<SmoothLingua.Abstractions.Stories.Step>()
new IntentStep("Greeting"),
new ResponseStep("Hello from bot!"),
new IntentStep("Bad"),
new ResponseStep("I am sorry to hear that!")
new List<SmoothLingua.Abstractions.Rules.Rule>()
new SmoothLingua.Abstractions.Rules.Rule("Bye","Bye","Bye")
), memoryStream).Wait();
var conversationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var agent = await AgentLoader.Load(new MemoryStream(memoryStream.GetBuffer()));
var response = agent.Handle(conversationId, "bye");
foreach (var text in response.Messages)
response = agent.Handle(conversationId, "hello");
foreach (var text in response.Messages)
response = agent.Handle(conversationId, "I am fine");
foreach (var text in response.Messages)
response = agent.Handle(conversationId, "hello");
foreach (var text in response.Messages)
response = agent.Handle(conversationId, "I am bad");
foreach (var text in response.Messages)