Tournament runner scripts for running Starcraft II Bots in different Git repos
against each other. The repos are expected to contain a fork of the
. Runs matches in parallel
using docker containers.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the runner script like this:
python3 <map_name> <repo1> <repo2> --step-time-limit 2.0 --game-time-limit 1200
For example
export REPO1=""
export REPO2=""
python3 "Abyssal Reef LE" $REPO1 $REPO2
You can run multiple pairs at once too! The matches will be run in parallel in separate docker containers.
Results will be stored under the results/<timestamp>
Bot logs will be produced into files in this directory in realtime.
Each bot client will create its replay file into this directory after the match is over. This means that for each match there will be two essentially identical replay files. The runner verifies that the replays contain the same result.
After all matches have finished, a results.json
file will be created. It contains the result of all matches.
If running gets stuck, you may want to
docker ps
docker logs <container_id>
To clean unused docker images and containers
You can also deleted cached repositories, in case there's an issue with pulling automatically:
rm -fr repocache
Cleaning up created containers:
rm -fr containers
python3 --type round-robin $REPO1 $REPO2 $REPO3
The runner stores match results under results/<timestamp>
directories. You can easily copy all the match replays
into your StarCraft II installation directory using
python3 <accountid> <serverid>
You can find your accountid and serverid as directory names under ~/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/StarCraft II/Accounts
Now you can open the replays using the Starcraft UI: they can be found in Replays.