Plugin provides functionality for managing daily workload.
- Clone this plugin to your Redmine plugins directory:
user@user:/path/to/redmine/plugins$ git clone daily_workload_management
Restart Redmine to check plugin availability and configure its options.
Create custom issue field for 'time for today' (Administration > Custom fields > New custom field > Issues)
Create issue status which will be used as 'today' status ( Administration > Issue statuses > New status ). Go to Workflow page (Administration > Workflow) and set usage of created 'today' status
Go to plugin configuration page (Administration > Plugins > Daily Workload Management plugin > Configure) and set required options:
- choose custom issue field which will be used as 'time for today' field (field created on step 3)
- choose issue status for which 'time for today' field is required.
- Set up cron task for clearing 'Time for today' field value before business day starts (for instance: at 04:11 AM):
11 4 * * * path/to/redmine/bin/rake clear_time_for_today_values
Use 'time for today' issue field for setting planned issue time for current day.
Use 'Workload Management' page for managing 'time for today' and/or taking issue to work in current day.
Define user groups permissions for getting access to 'Workload Management' page (Administration > Roles and permissions > Permissions report > View board). As these permissions are defined in the context of projects - user should be a member of the project (Administration > Projects).