A cryptographic bot for Discord
Funcbot is a cryptographic bot primarily made for use in Discord cryptography ARGs. Inspiration was brought about from the 7879 (1EC7) ARG that was used for recruitment.
This bot requires the following:
- Discord.py
To setup the bot, you must do the following:
- Create a virtual env for it using Python 3.5
- Install the required modules
- Add your token to main.py
- Add your login details for MySQL in main.py
- Open your vitual env using
source <venv-name>/bin/activate
- run the bot using
python main.py
Usage | Description |
f.help [-me] |
Shows the command list. Adding the optional parameter -me will send a DM of the full command list |
f.watch add|remove <url> |
Funcbot will save up to 3 HTML pages of maximum size 200kb per server. Pages are checked every 10 minutes |
Usage | Decription |
f.rot encrypt|decrypt <key> <message...> |
Encrypts/decrypts message with key using the rot cipher |
f.vigenere encrypt|decrypt <key> <message...> |
Encrypts/decrypts message with key using the vigenère cipher |
f.xor [-b][-c] <mask> <message...> |
Applies the mask to message using XOR logic. By default, the comamnd will expect the mask to be binary and message to be characters, and will output in binary. Applying optional parameter -c will provide output in ASCII. Applying optional parameter -b will expect the message to be in binary format. |
f.railfence encrypt|decrypt <rails> <message...> |
Encrypts/decrypts message with rails using the railfence cipher |
f.inspect <message...> |
Performs frequency analysis on message and provides a table ranked from most to least used |
Usage | Description |
f.steg detect <image1> <image2> |
Detects if the images have been altered. Note: The bot checks the md5 hash of the images to see if they are identical or not. |
f.steg encrypt <image> <message...> |
Encrypts image with message using LSB steganography |
f.steg decrypt <image> |
Decrypts the image and returns the output. Note: This command assumes the image has been encrypted using LSB. |
Note: Leaderboards are on a per server basis
Usage | Description |
f.top |
Displays the top 10 contributors of the server |
f.me |
Displays your current contribution points |
f.upvote <@user> |
Upvotes user (24hr cooldown) |
Usage | Description |
f.clear <x> |
Deletes x messages (up to 100). Note: Restricted to users with manage messages permission |
f.limit <channel> |
Limits all none Admin commands to channel on the server. Note: Restricted to users with manage server permission |
f.prefix <prefix> |
Changes the bot prefix to prefix for the server. Note: Restricted to users with manage server permission |