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Iter1 MVP Serve Side

David Recanati edited this page May 24, 2018 · 12 revisions

Iteration 1 - MVP - Serve Side


In this iteration we where focusing on the server side and we planned to add the feature of dealing with items DB in the app. The reason for that decision is that the main functionality of the app is related to handling the stock data properly. we wanted to see where we might get stuck and confused early in the life of the project so we can prepare accordingly.


Main Goal:

The MVP iteration is about creating some parts from the different first layers to demonstrate the primary capability of the product, and to give the user the initial inspiration from the product. In our product MVP includes first user interface with basic functionality - Home page, navigation between the different app pages, a basic add-phrase page and communication with the FireBase server. Details on our MVP tasks are in the Product Backlog.

Sub Goals:

  • Learning and programming the server side
  • Reading & writing data to FireBase DB.
  • Add the HTTP request function for the TTS.

Iteration roles

Role Assign To Issue Link
Add Phrase and Category and Wiki stuff David Issue
Google Image Search and Planing next Iteration Alex Issue
Server Side and DB Dor Issue
Server Side and DB Or Issue
HTML Provider and Weekly Report Ofek Issue

Related documentations

  • Use cases of each feature are listed in our SRS wiki page.
  • Class diagram and CRC cards of our data base can be found in our SDS wiki page.


Strengths in this iteration:

The division of tasks for each member of the group, and the provision of dead time to the end of the assignment, proved to be more efficient.

Inertia weaknesses:

Failure to give proper time for some of the tasks that look small but are not.

Regulatory Compliance:

Failure to meet the requirements to the end, there was a plan to connect all the pages but we got stuck in the connection, There is a risk of non-compliance, so from now on we will work in a more massive format until we achieve the desired results.

Working as a team:

Until the last round we worked as a team very effectively, each team member contributed his best, when the team was in full coordination and meeting at least twice a week, during this round we stopped working together due to staff unavailability, Until we reached the understanding that the tasks need to be divided in a different way that has been discovered to be more efficient, we will divide the work at the beginning of each iteration into sub-tasks, where each team member must complete the task given to him until a specified date.

Lessons from the lecture or practice:

The materials of the lecture and the practice greatly helped us in this round especially the practice: Opening FireBase connection and uploading images to FireBase.

Meeting Summery:

Due to unexpected issues and to the client request, we did not have a meeting in this iteration. We solved all the problems over the phone and via e-mail.

Summery of the client's feedback mail:

  1. The photos that we need to choose per phrase/category shuld be clean, white background wanted, without copyrights.

  2. The default categories& phrases is: Medical category content, general content from here and those categories

  3. The application style: background color-ligth blue, text-black or dark blue. each category/phrase on a list should be in another color

  4. The form that the user should fill about himself has to include: full name, status, address, birth date, telephone number, names of family members, proffesion and education, year of "ALIA", medical state. each detail will records separately.

Summery of the Team meeting:

the content of the DB could be found on that exel file.

Testing Method:

We are testing our program and the server & client request and resposne by log the data to the console. To every function we create we are log to the console that the function has been called and the data which it get and post (if exists)

Project progress:

Until now we have finished the beginning of the project. We hope that the project will continue to progress correct rhythm to be ready for the final deadline. Product Status Now: We have a general skeleton for the main page, and a page for categorys and "about me".

Future improvements:

  • Succeed shared all team members in the project and divide the work properly between them.
  • Succeed that all team members will be ready with their tasks on time.
  • We just started working with Git, and we still do not know clearly how to work with the various commands it contains, we will have to invest time learning the way of working with Git properly.

Board during the iteration:







  • Login and logout with FireBase and other providers.
  • Special Pages - Calendar and numbers.
  • Favorite algorithem and mechanisem.
  • uploading all the database to the Firebase - and connect is to the project.
  • Finishing designs.
  • Material design - adding to the project.