This is a "bot" for the Steam Summer Sale 2018 game, called Saliens. It easily manages to pass the hard tiles.
You need to have the following things installed on you local computer:
- Python 3
- OpenCV
- PyAutoGui
- Numpy
- MatPlotLib
- Pillow
I heavily recommend you using Chocolatey and PiP for installing the programs / packets. For installing with chocolatey do the following things:
- Install Chocolatey
- Open Powershell as Admin and input
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
- Input
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
into powershell - Reopen your Powershell as Admin
- Open Powershell as Admin and input
- Install Python
- Input
choco install python --version 3.6.6
- When you're asked to confirm something, confirm it with
- Input
- Install Python packages
- After Chocolatey finished to install python, execute the following commands in the powershell:
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install opencv-python
pip install pyautogui
pip install pillow
- After Chocolatey finished to install python, execute the following commands in the powershell:
Note: This script only works on a FullHD (1920 * 1080) monitor!
To use the script, do the following things:
- Open your Steam Client and maximize it
- Open the Saliens-Game
- Start a new round of the game
- Double-Click the script (
) - When the round is about to end (about 1-2 seconds before the end), input the combination
to end it.
Just use the GitHub function for reporting a bug.