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JSON schema of RUM events send by SDKs


The format must stay backward compatible in order to be able to validate old events, so:

  • New fields must not be set as required
  • Fields definition must not be updated, new fields must be created instead

Breaking changes to the format must be reflected by a major version update in _dd.format_version property.

After editing any schema, you must re-generate the JS + TS definitions (see below).

Consuming this repository

Consuming projects are encouraged to use a yarn github reference as dependency, e.g:

yarn add rum-events-format@DataDog/rum-events-format#workspace=rum-events-format

Updating to the latest change is possible with yarn up, e.g:

yarn up rum-events-format@DataDog/rum-events-format#workspace=rum-events-format

It is also possible to specify the exact commit hash to use, e.g:

yarn up "rum-events-format@DataDog/rum-events-format#workspace=rum-events-format&commit=COMMIT-HASH"


Prerequisite: install dependencies


Validate samples

yarn validate

Build JS sources + TS definitions

yarn build

Generate TS definitions out of the schemas

yarn generate

Prettify TS & JSON files

yarn format -w

External tools

Generate schema from sample