The initial idea of the tool was to learn about Azure APIs and what possibilities exist to get different data from it. But then I thought okay, now you have a lot of data, what to do with it? So I added code to verify these information and settings agains different recommendations. It is not fully featured or reliable yet, but I will include more checks over time. I hope you find it useful too.
The tool is a learning project for me so the results may be incorrect or the tool may encounters some errors. So please provide feedback on any issues, recommendations or additional checks.
Most of the APIs, are already included in other tool, so most of the credits goes to:
Thank you for your work!
-u, --username Specify the username.
-p, --password Specifiy the password.
-c, --clientid Specify the client id.
-s, --secret Specify the client secret.
-t, --tenant Specify a tenant.
--proxy Specify a proxy.
--debug Enable verbose logging.
--logfile Set the logfile path.
--outpath Path to write results.
--writeallresults Write all results to console. Can result in a very large
--output (Default: HTML) Only for audit. Specify 'console', 'html'
or 'json'.
--scope Set ScopeEnum AAD, Teams, SharePoint(SPO),
ExchangeOnline(EXO) or Azure. If not set all scopes will
be used.
--batch (Default: false) Batch mode. Use for automatic runs.
--mode (Default: Audit) AzRager mode.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
When you run it without --username and --password, then an interactive login will be performed.
The user should have the Role "Global Reader" or "Global Admin" assigned.