Hi there, I'm Danielius Vargonas - aka Darth CarrotPie 👋
- 🌱 I love learning everything 🤣
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on inter-disciplinary products
- 🥅 2023 Goals: Visit Japan and earn a top Cyber Security certificate
- ⚡ Fun facts: I love games, including ttRPG and boardgames, play piano and train Aikido
- Dialogue-based voice interaction system design for a gamified VR experience
- Matchmaking Problem in Hardcore Games. Case Study: EFT
- Automated Dataset Generator for Image Segmentation
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
Last Updated: Saturday, December 28th, 2024, 3:02:40 AM
- ⬆️ Pushed 2 commit(s) to Darth-Carrotpie/BaseBuilderCore
- ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to Darth-Carrotpie/BaseBuilderCore
- ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to Darth-Carrotpie/BaseBuilderCore
- ❗️ Opened issue #643 in Jozwiaczek/smart-gate
- ❗️ Opened issue #642 in Jozwiaczek/smart-gate
- ⭐ Starred TencentARC/InstantMesh
- ❗️ Opened issue #175 in TencentARC/InstantMesh
- ❗️ Opened issue #1 in securedakota/rita-elastic-supplement
- ⭐ Starred securedakota/rita-elastic-supplement