This is CSharp Graphical Auhtor Attribution Program and it is basically a rewrite of EVLLAB's JGAAP in C# language.
This program is feature-incomplete and should not be used for serious text analysis.
CSGAAP a lot faster and more memory efficient than JGAAP.
Both CSGAAP and JGAAP should produce roughly the same result when used with the same input.
CSGAAP has more convenient user interface than JGAAP.
CSGAAP does not include AAAC problems to try out in the GUI
CSGAAP implementation is not complete and contais some errors, here are the list of currently non-working features:
- StripComments - Not implemented
- LDA - Not implemented
- LeaveOneOutNoDistanceDriver - Not implemented
- MahalanobisDistance - Not implemented
- MarkovChainAnalysis - Not implemented
- ThinXent - Not implemented
- WEKADecisionStump - Not implemented
- WEKAJ48DecisionTree - Not implemented
- WEKALeastMedSq - Not implemented
- WEKALinearRegression - Not implemented
- WEKAMultilayerPerceptron - Not implemented
- WEKANaiveBayes - Not implemented
- WEKASMO - Not implemented
- WEKAVotedPerceptron - Not implemented
- Xent2 - Not implemented
- CoefficientOfVariation - Tests failing
- IndexOfDispersion - Tests failing
- InformationGain - Tests failing
- MeanAbsoluteDeviation - Tests failing
- RangeCuller - Tests failing
- StandardDeviationCuller - Tests failing
- VarianceCuller - Tests failing
- WeightedVariance - Tests failing
- CoarsePOSTagger - Excluded: MaxentTagger does not want to initialize
- POSNGramEventDriver - Excluded: MaxentTagger does not want to initialize
- PartOfSpeechEventDriver - Excluded: MaxentTagger does not want to initialize
- DefinitionsEventDriver - Not implemented
- StanfordNamedEntityRecognizer - Not implemented
- StanfordPartOfSpeechEventDriver - Not implemented
- StanfordPartOfSpeechNGramEventDriver - Not implemented
- SuffixEventDriver - Not implemented
- SyllableTransitionEventDriver - Not implemented
- TruncatedFreqEventDriver - Not implemented
- TruncatedNamingTimeEventDriver - Not implemented
- TruncatedReactionTimeEventDriver - Not implemented
- VowelMNLetterWordEventDriver - Not implemented
- WordSyllablesEventDriver - Not implemented
- WordsBeforeAfterNamedEntities - Not implemented