Welcome. This modification is a fork of the original modification portal2coopsp by PortalRex. This modification contains various fixes or improvements.
- Download this mod
- Fully close steam ( req. because it needs to be update games list. )
- Open your steam filder
- Inzip folder into this folder.
- Open steam and find mod: Portal 2 Coop SP Updated
- Open this mod, set it up and enjoy :)
Oh it's very simple, you and your parthner needs to be have this mod.
- After that open game and find < Play CO-OP > Button.
- Invite ( yes, it's need. )
- Enjoy!
( Q ) - I not hear ANY sound.
( A ) - Open console by pressing ( ~ ) button on your keyboard.
But first you need to activate it. To do this, open settings, go to clairature, and there find the item ( allow developer console ), enable it.
After that type this command - [ snd_rebuildaudiocache ].
After this, if you see YELLOW DOTS, type [ exit ] command. And start game again.
(Q) - Some lines broken.
(A) - Will be fixed soon..