If you ever need any help, feel free to add an issue.
Go to https://github.com and sign up for an account.
Go https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git and follow the instructions.
If you want a GUI (which is strongly reccomended), we reccomend (and will use in the turorial) [https://desktop.github.com](GitHub desktop) for Mac and Windows, but there are more https://git-scm.com/downloads/guis. If you already know how to use GitHub, you don't have to do this, and if you don't have Mac or Windows, we can help you.
Scroll up and click on "Clone or Download". Then, click Open in Desktop and select where to put you're clone.
Now, you read the other sections.
Jekyll is a static site genorator, and it's used for this website. You don't really have to install it, but if you want to: http://jekyllrb.com/
Before you start writing, you should create an author to use for your posts. Go to _data/authors.yml
to add yourself.
You'll add your information in a second, but to explain what everything means:
name is your first name, with proper capitalization, like George
alias is your username, like george42
If those were the values, it would look like this:
george42: name: George alias: george42
Notice that the top line and the alias are the same. That's important. Also, make sure to indent.
Next, you need to create a profile page. Create a file in the `profile` folder called `george42.html` (with george42 replaced by your alias.) Inside, add some metadata. If you were George, you would write:--- layout: profile permalink: /profile/george42 profile: george42 ---You would replace any `george42` with your alias. Below that write profile information, such as `42 is the answer to life, the universe, and 21*2`. Now, you can start writing! To create a post, go to the folder `_posts` and make a file called `YYYY-MM-DD-title-like-this.markdown` (so on March 5, 2017, to create "I Like Pizza" it would be `2017-03-05-i-like-pizza.markdown`.) The metadata will look like this:
--- layout: post title: "Title Like This" date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -0500 categories: categories seperated by spaces author: youralias ---or for the example:
--- layout: post title: "I Like Pizza" date: 2017-03-05 19:06:51 -0500 categories: pizza food greatness author: george42 ---Below that, get writing! ## Using GitHub—Part 2 ### Step Five: Commiting your changes Go back to GitHub Desktop and go to the "# Uncomitted Changes" tab. Now click the new branch button. Give it a descriptive name, like `approval-post`, or something, that relates to what you are adding. A text box should pop up and you can make a descriptive summaray, like `Added a post saying we were approved`, and, if you want, an extanded description. Click "commit to (your-branch). ### Step Six: Making a pull request (when you are ready to publish changes) Click "Pull Request" in the top right. Give it a nice title and description, and "click send pull request." If a big scary error message pops up, click Sync a little to the left. Then, when the president approves it, it will be added to the site.