Test your http clients with jest:
- use Koa API to define http handlers
- use Jest API to define asserts
import { MockServer } from 'jest-mock-server';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
describe('Testing node-fetch HTTP client', () => {
const server = new MockServer();
beforeAll(() => server.start());
afterAll(() => server.stop());
beforeEach(() => server.reset());
it('Receives a status over the network', async () => {
const route = server
// Look ma, plain Jest API!
.mockImplementationOnce((ctx) => {
// ...and plain Koa API
ctx.status = 200;
.mockImplementationOnce((ctx) => {
ctx.status = 201;
// Since we did not passed any port into server constructor, server was started at random free port
const url = server.getURL();
const res1 = await fetch(url);
const res2 = await fetch(url);
const res3 = await fetch(url);
expect(route).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); // Yep, jest API again