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Kopama ("Kotlin Pattern Matching") provides pattern matching functionality, as known from Haskell and Scala. It not only supports built-in classes, but also custom classes (which requires the use of KSP). The project started out as an example for my book Creative DSLs in Kotlin (eBook).


Assume we need to contact users who have an ADMIN role. If they reside in the US, we want to prefer a contact by phone, otherwise we would rather prefer email. If no contact information is given, we inform the billing department.

data class User(
    val name: String,
    val country: String,
    val roles: List<String>,
    val email: String? = null,
    val phone: String? = null

fun contactMethod(user: User): String =
    when { == "US"
                && user.roles.contains("ADMIN")
                && != null ->
            "Contact by phone: ${}"
        user.roles.contains("ADMIN") && != null ->
            "Contact by email: ${}"
        user.roles.contains("ADMIN") && != null ->
            "Contact by phone: ${}"
        user.roles.contains("ADMIN") ->
            "Inform billing department, user: ${}"
        else -> "No action"

Using the kopama library, including the KSP features, we can rewrite the example as follows:

data class User(
    val name: String,
    val country: String,
    val roles: List<String>,
    val email: String? = null,
    val phone: String? = null

fun kopamaMethod(user: User): String =
    match(user) {
        user(any, +"US", contains("ADMIN"), any, !isNull) then
                { "Contact by phone: ${}" }
        user(roles = contains("ADMIN"), email = !isNull) then
                { "Contact by email: ${}" }
        user(roles = contains("ADMIN"), phone = !isNull) then
                { "Contact by phone: ${}" }
        user(roles = contains("ADMIN")) then
                { "Inform billing department, user: ${}" }
        otherwise { "no action" }

If a final class is annotated with @Kopama, a pattern function like user() will be generated (via KSP), which allows to check each component individually, either by using one of the built-in patterns (like contains()), or by using a nested generated pattern (e.g. imagine that the email in the example was not a simple String but has its own data class), or by a custom pattern function. It is also possible to capture values in the process, which can then be accessed on the right-hand side.

Using the Library

In order to use the core functionality with the built-in patterns, add the dependency:


If you also want to generated patterns, add the dependency:


NOTE: Currently Kopama is not available on Maven Central, you can use JitPack instead. Once the library is stable and production-ready, it will be released on Maven Central.

Considerations before using Kopama

Despite all efforts to make the library as safe to use as possible, there are still some risks involved:

  • the code generation is complicated and might break if a class is not suitable, or was updated without checking that the matching still works. Renaming, reordering or removing a property can break the code, as well as using extension properties or functions.
  • generating code from generic classes is especially tricky, and it is hard to predict if classes with complicated type signatures (e.g. recursive ones) can be processed properly
  • capturing variables is inherently unsafe, e.g. the captured value is readable even after leaving the then branch, or it will be overridden if the capture variable is used multiple times in a pattern

Please, always check the generated code, and take extra care when changing classes used for code generation, and when capturing variables.

Match Expressions

The general structure of a match-expression is

  match(<value>) {
      <pattern> then { <result> }
      <pattern> then { <result> }
      <pattern> then { <result> }
      otherwise { <result> }

A pattern is just a predicate (T) -> Boolean - the library uses the typealias Pattern<T>. The result value of the whole expression will be determined by the first then-branch with a matching pattern, or the result of the otherwise -branch when none was matching. The otherwise-branch is mandatory, as there is no way for the library to determine if the given patterns are exhaustive.

The naming of the built-in patterns often follows corresponding Hamcrest matchers, so if you are familiar with the latter (e.g. by using them for testing), you should pick up the Kopama patterns quickly.

Built-In Patterns

Constant Patterns

There are two constant patterns:

  • any, which is always true
  • none, which is always false.

For generated pattern functions like user() in the introduction example, all the patterns for the component patterns are by default any.

Operator Patterns

Operator patterns allow to combine or modify existing patterns:

  • infix functions like and and or
  • the functions allOf, anyOf and noneOf for combining several patterns
  • the operator on which allows to transform a value before the given pattern is applied
  • the conditional operators thenRequire and ifThenElse, which test patterns only if an initial condition is met

Comparing Patterns

Comparing patterns perform some kind of comparison:

  • isNull and isNotNull check against null, isNullOr and isNotNullAnd combine a not nullable pattern with a null-check
  • eq checks if the value is equal with a given one. Inside a match block, the unary + is an alternative way to call the pattern, e.g. +"John" is a shorthand for eq("John"). Obviously, for numerical values you still need to use eq, as they have already a more specific implementation of the unary +. If you need instance equality, you can use isSame
  • oneOf checks if the value is equal to one of the given ones
  • isA checks if the value has a given type
  • gt, ge, lt and le check if the value is greater than, greater or equal, less then, or less or equal to the given value. This works only for comparable values.
  • between checks if a value is between the given values, and inRange checks if the value falls in a given closed range

Collection and Array Patterns

Collection patterns work on collections or sometimes on iterables:

  • isEmpty and isNotEmpty check whether the collection is empty or not
  • hasSize checks if the collection has the given size
  • forAll, forAny and forNone check the given pattern for all elements of the iterable
  • contains, containsAll, containsAny, containsAll check if the elements match the given values
  • the indexed access operator [] matches the pattern with the list element specified by the index

Array patters are very similar, they have usually just the prefix array.... One exception is the indexed access, which is replaced by the atIndex function.

Map Patterns

  • keys, values and entries apply the pattern on the specified part of the map
  • valueAt applies a pattern to the value associated with the key
  • mapHasSize checks if the map has the given size

String Patterns

  • hasToString checks if calling toString on a value gives the expected result
  • eqIgnoreCase compares two strings ignoring lower- and uppercase spelling
  • startsWith, endsWith and containsString checks if the string contains the given partial string
  • hasLength checks if a string has the given length
  • regex checks if the string matches a given regex

Tuple Patterns

Tuple patterns work on pairs and triples:

  • pair and triple check all elements against the given pattern. It might be required to specify type parameters for these patterns. If this happens when using them as top-level patterns (not inside other patterns), using the versions pair_ and triple_ instead should allow to avoid type parameters in most cases
  • first, second, triple1, triple2 and triple3 match the specified element

Capturing Values

If you want to use the value of a nested property of the matched value on the right-hand side of then, you can use variable capture. First, you need to define a capture pattern before the test branch you want to use it in, e.g. val capInt = capture<Int>(). In the nested pattern on the left-hand side, you can then capture the value by using the defined pattern. On the right-hand side you can then read the value from the capture pattern, e.g. capInt.value. Note that you can't read null values, and that an error is thrown if you try to read a capture pattern before a value was captured.

Sometimes it is not clear whether a variable is captured: Consider a pattern like isNotNullAnd(capInt), which will short-circuit if the variable is null, so there is nothing captured in this case. To safely access the value in such situations, you have two options:

  • check if capInt.isSet is true before accessing capInt.value
  • use the capInt.getOrNull() function, which will return null for unset values

You can have as many capture patterns as you want, and they can be reused in several branches. Of course, you have to be careful that you actually use the pattern on the left-hand side, else you will read values captured in earlier branches. Here is an example:

val s = match(12 to "twelve") {
    val capInt = capture<Int>()
    val capStr = capture<String>()
    pair(capInt, capStr and hasLength(17)) then {
        "first: ${capInt.value} second: ${capStr.value} and length is 17"
    pair(capInt, capStr and hasLength(6)) then { 
        "first: ${capInt.value} second: ${capStr.value} and length is 6"
    otherwise { "oops" }
println(s) //  "first: 12 second: twelve and length is 6"

Please avoid the following mistakes:

  • Don't try to read the value of a capture pattern before it was used
  • Make sure that the capture pattern was actually captured on the left-hand side before reading the value on the right-hand side
  • Just because a capture pattern appears on the left-hand side doesn't mean it will always be captured, as some operations short-circuit. E.g. code like any or capInt would never capture a value
  • Don't capture the same pattern twice in one left-hand side, it will then contain only the last value

Generally avoid capturing values which can be easily obtained from the matched value itself. Use the feature instead to read deeply nested or otherwise hard to get values.

Generated Patterns

As a prerequisite for generating patterns for classes, you need to add a dependency to the KSP module of the library, e.g. in Gradle:


Additionally, you need to tell Gradle that the output directory of KSP is also a source directory. There might be better solutions, but the example module of the library uses the following instructions:


sourceSets {
  main {
    java {

After these preparations, you should be able to use the @Kopama annotation in order to generate a pattern for a class. If you use it for data and value classes, this will almost always "just work".

The @Kopama annotation has three arguments:

  • arguments: Array<String>: Here you can specify the properties (both val and var) or no-argument functions that should appear in the pattern (in the given order). If you don't specify arguments, the generator will take all val and var parameters from the primary constructor of the class instead.
  • patternName: String: This argument allows you to give the pattern a name. Be careful to avoid name clashes. If no patternName is given, the "de-capitalized" class name is used, e.g. the pattern for class ExampleClass would be named exampleClass.
  • fileName: String: This argument can change the file name for the generated pattern function. If fileName is not given, it will use the pattern name and add "Pattern" as suffix, so the exampleClass pattern would be generated in a file named exampleClassPattern. Note that the file is generated in the package of the original class, and currently there is no way to change this. Also, it is currently not possible to have one file for multiple pattern functions.

Generated Patterns for Generic Classes

The code generator works for simple generic classes, but frankly, this is the part of the library I'm the least confident of.

An important limitation is that the generator doesn't detect whether a type parameter is used for any of the pattern arguments, the pattern function will always have the same generic signature as the annotated class. Finding out which type parameter is really "used" is a challenging problem, as type parameters can also depend on each other. If this behavior is a problem, I would recommend to copy the generated pattern over to the regular code and to manually remove the offending type parameters from the function (and the @Kopama annotation from the class).

Closing Remarks

Working on this library was and is a fun challenge. Thank you for trying it out. I'm grateful for your feedback.

My ultimate goal would be to make this library superfluous, by helping to push the Kotlin language itself towards better pattern matching capabilities.

Also, I want to mention that "Kopama" means "Are you angry?" in Telugu.


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