Clojure static page generation using boot. Generate multiple pages from a description and one or more layout files. Also takes care of appending cache-busting fingerprints (hashes) to marked static assets.
Include in an existing boot project by adding the following lines to build.boot
'[dthiffault.boot-pages :refer [pages]])
Then create a file named pages.edn in your resource folder
{:defaults {:layout "default.html"}
:pages [{:path "index.html" :init-fn "" :title "Welcome to the site"}
{:path "myotherpage.html" :init-fn "" :title "Another page another title"}]}
Here :path is the target path you'd like a file created at. :init-fn will be placed within a script tag and appended to the bottom of the body tag. :title will be used for the page title. The :layout should be under resources/layouts/. All attributes can be defined in the :defaults section and overriden per page.
In order to generate fingerprinted urls include something like the following in your layout:
<script type="text/javascript" src="${scripts/myscript.js}"></script>
Everything withing ${} will be treated as an asset and replaced with a string including a hash of the filename. The file should be relative to the target directory.