It seems you ended up here by accident. This site is meant to host the docs for other repos in the Feathers ecosystem. Add a basePath
search param to the url to view docs.
The general value should be something like<githubUser>/<githubRepo>/master
If the <githubUser>
is feathersjs-echosystem
and the <githubRepo>
is feathers-mongodb
then the link should be:
For example
You can see the result of setting this basePath
here and you can see the original
here and the GitHub version here.
Due to the fact that some GitHub repositories' master
branch is sometimes called main
(or even something else) you must substitute the master
part of the value with the proper one for your repository.
This utility support display of your
in the Git repository you specify using the basePath
search parameter. The
can contain any of the normal markdown commands:
- This is a numbered list
- with a sub list you see?
- with 2 lines you see?
- And an other line
Furthermore, it supports nice things like code snippets with copy to the clipboard
init() {
this._dark = (/true/i).test(window.localStorage.getItem(this._key));
if (this._dark) this.toggle(false);
return this._dark;
and high-lights of important stuff
Important: This is very important - just in case you did not realise it!
Tabs are also a possibility
Here is some Node JS code
Here is some React code
Here is some Vue code
How to make a tabbed element like this can be found at docsify-tabs
If you want to display an emoji you simply write \:100\:
to get 💯, \:smiley\:
to get 😃 etc.
Last but not least, we have included a convenient way of accessing the great FeathersJS documentation and much more.