Location Tracker is a system responsible for tracking object locations.
- Creator: Damian Śniatecki (https://www.linkedin.com/in/damiansn/)
- Stage: early development
- Version: 0.1.0
- Visualizer - web app responsible for visualizing the location of selected object
- Storage - service responsible for storing objects data
- Receiver - service responsible for receiving object locations
- Archiver - service responsible for archiving and querying object locations
- Performer - service responsible for executing scheduled jobs
All services are written in a reactive paradigm. It makes them ideal for low-latency, high-throughput workloads. Additionally, Storage, Receiver and Archiver exposes public APIs secured by JWT token. These tokens can be generated by Guard (Keycloak).
Receiver sends messages to Archiver via RabbitMq in batches. Archiver receives these batches and saves them in ArchiverDB using only one query per batch. It allows the system to be resilient and handle high load. Thanks to it, the system can be also easily scaled horizontally.
- Visualizer - web app responsible for visualizing the location of selected object
- Storage - service responsible for storing objects data
- Storage Api - OpenAPI definitions for Storage service
- Receiver - service responsible for receiving object locations
- Receiver Api - OpenAPI definitions for Receiver service
- Archiver - service responsible for archiving and querying object locations
- Archiver Api - OpenAPI definitions for Archiver service
- Archiver Msg - Protobuf message definitions for Archiver service
- Performer - service responsible for executing scheduled jobs
Frontend technologies used:
- TypeScript 4.5.2
- Angular 13.2.0
Backend technologies used:
- Kotlin 1.6.21
- JVM 17
- Maven 3.8.4
- Spring Boot 2.6.7 (Webflux)
- Spring Data R2DBC (+ PostgreSQL R2DBC drivers)
- Testcontainers 1.17.1 (+ JUnit, Mockk)
- OpenApi
- RabbitMQ 3.9.8
- PostgreSQL 14
- TimescaleDB 2.6.0 (Based on PostgreSQL 14)
- Prometheus 2.33.3
- Grafana 8.2.6
- Alertmanager 0.23.0
- Nginx 1.21.6
- Docker 20.10.12
- Keycloak 18.0.0
Visualizer ( web app ):
- Performer location snapshot job mail message:
- JVM metrics (For every service)
- Storage metrics
- Receiver metrics
- Archiver metrics
- Performer metrics
- Pending alert
- Firing alert
- Alert mail message
Docker Hub:
- Storage: https://hub.docker.com/r/dsniatecki/storage
- Receiver: https://hub.docker.com/r/dsniatecki/receiver
- Archiver: https://hub.docker.com/r/dsniatecki/archiver
- Performer: https://hub.docker.com/r/dsniatecki/performer
- Proxy: https://hub.docker.com/r/dsniatecki/proxy
How to start the system:
- Clone repo
- Execute: docker-compose -f docker-compose-0.1.0.yml up
- Extend visualizer
- Create proper object locations simulator