autoreconf -si # if from git repo
./configure [--with-dag=PREFIX] [--with-pcap] [--without-raw]
make install
mp --local -v -i pcapeth0 -s eth1 --caplen 96 -o 01::10
Where "pcapeth0" is the device to capture on (eth0, using pcap) and "eth1" is the output interface to broadcast on. 01::10
is the DPMI output address.
mp --local -v- i pcapeth0 --caplen 96 -o myfile.cap
Same as above but saving to myfile.cap
instead of broadcasting.
mp -v -i dag0 -s eth0
Where "dag0" is the device to capture on (dag0, using DAG-card) and "eth0" is the interface MArCd is running on.