You can quickly get a private blockchain up and running from blockchain-starter
eth-vue Truffle Box: With Ganache Blockchain Option, Ropsten Network Configuration, and Gravatar access
This Truffle Box provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with Vue 3, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled. Connecting to a running Ganache blockchain network from Truffle is also possible -- for fast development and testing purposes.
Built on Truffle 5, eth-vue uses vuex for state management, vuex-persist for local storage of app state, and vue-router for routing.
Authentication functionalities are handled by Smart Contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.
With deployment configuration for the Ropsten Network, deployment to the remote test network doesn't have to be a pain anymore. It's now as simple as truffle migrate --network ropsten
If you have a running Ganache blockchain network, configuring with eth-vue will connect you immediately to the private blockchain. Visit the Ganache page for installation and startup instructions, install Ganache, and eth-vue will connect accordingly.
Simply unbox and start building your own dApp.
Install Truffle
yarn global add truffle
NOTE: If unboxing DOkwufulueze/eth-vue had failed previously due to absence of node-gyp, simply run yarn global add node-gyp
. Or if it failed due to a problem with an existing node-gyp, run node-gyp rebuild
. Else ignore this note and move on to the next instruction
Enter your development directory [eg. cd into a newly created
directory] and unboxDOkwufulueze/eth-vue
truffle unbox DOkwufulueze/eth-vue
Or clone this repository from GitHub and
into theeth-vue
directory:git clone
Configure your environment
Open the
file. You'll find the following:... module.exports = { ... networks: { development: { host: "localhost", port: 8545, // This is the conventional port. If you're using the Ganache Blockchain, change port value to the Ganache default port 7545. If you're using Truffle develop network, change port value to 9545 network_id: "*", // Match any network id. You may need to replace * with your network Id from: "", // Add your unlocked account within the double quotes gas: 4444444 } } };
Insert your unlocked account within the double-quotes of the
key -
Open the
file. You'll find the following:export const NETWORKS = { '1': 'Main Net', '2': 'Deprecated Morden test network', '3': 'Ropsten test network', '4': 'Rinkeby test network', '42': 'Kovan test network', '4447': 'Truffle Develop Network', '5777': 'Ganache Blockchain', '666': 'Daniel Private Blockchain' // This is a test private blockchain. You can change it to your own private blockchain if you have one. }; export const APPROVED_NETWORK_ID = "3"; // Default is Ropsten. Set as you choose ...
The default network above is the Ropsten network [
], but you can change this, as Ropsten was chosen for testing purpose only.
If your choice network is on the list ofNETWORKS
but is not Ropsten, then change the value ofAPPROVED_NETWORK_ID
to the ID of your choice network. For example, if one is to use the private Blockchain above ['666': 'Daniel Private Blockchain'
would be'666'
But if your choice network is not on theNETWORKS
list, simply add your network using the existing pattern [<networkId>: <networkName>
], and change the value ofAPPROVED_NETWORK_ID
to the ID of your choice network.
If you're using Ganache, please remember to point your Ethereum provider [Metamask, for example] to a Custom RPC running on port 7545.
For Truffle develop network, point your Ethereum provider [Metamask, for example] to a Custom RPC running on port 9545.
Install dependencies if necessary.
NOTE: If you unboxed this boilerplate from Truffle [
truffle unbox DOkwufulueze/eth-vue
], then runningyarn install
is not necessary since unboxing installs dependencies by default. But if you cloned this boilerplate from GitHub [git clone
], please runyarn install
as stated belowyarn install
To deploy the contracts, you can either compile and migrate to your custom network as configured in the truffle.js
file or you could use the test network and test addresses that truffle 4 provides. Find details for both deployment processes below.
Compile and Migrate to your custom network as configured in truffle.js
. [For the Ganache Blockchain, it runs on port 7545 and doesn't conflict with any conventional port. So edit your truffle.js
file appropriately before deploying]
Compile the Contracts [remember to add the
--network ropsten
option if you didn't change theAPPROVED_NETWORK_ID
from the default3
to another id]truffle compile
Deploy the compiled contracts [remember to add the
--network ropsten
option if you didn't change theAPPROVED_NETWORK_ID
from the default3
to another id]truffle migrate
Compile the Contracts on Ropsten
truffle compile --network ropsten
Deploy the compiled Contracts to Ropsten
truffle migrate --network ropsten
The default port for truffle develop
is 9545, so it doesn't conflict with any conventional port. Edit truffle.js
Enter the
truffle develop
environmenttruffle develop
Compile the Contracts
Deploy the compiled contracts
Start the server
yarn start
DApp should now be running on http://localhost:3001 as you can see from your browser.
Please send bug issues you may encounter to Issues
This dApp is distributed under the GNU GPL-3.0 licence.