VertiMonitorGWC is a real-time weather clearance tool developed by DM-AirTech (DMAT) that assists in the execution and automation of drone and eVTOL operations. It bases go/no-go decisions on hyperlocal weather conditions, supporting you in your flight operations. VertiMonitorGWC comes with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) and can be easily integrated into your system through our seamless API.
Note: This GitHub repository focuses on the API of VertiMonitorGWC. For access to the GUI, please visit our website directly.
To access the VertiMonitorGWC data through the API, you will need an API key. Please contact our sales team at to obtain your API key.
There are four different ways to access VertiMonitorGWC using our API based on your preference. Common parameters used are:
MODE: There are three modes supported by VertiMonitor<sup>GWC</sup>. (Trajectory, Volume (Tier3 Subscription), Sensor (coming soon))
MODEL: There are four models supported. (gfs-global, metar, icon_global or icon_seamless)
START_TIME: Start time for the time window in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm.
END_TIME: End time for the time window in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm.
AIRCRAFT_ID: Your aircraft ID. Refer to aircraft_ids.csv.
Parameters (optional): WIND, RAIN, TEMPERATURE_RANGE
You can choose to provide both the Aircraft ID and the Parameters, or only the Aircraft ID (user-defined). If you choose to provide only the Aircraft ID, the Parameters will be autofilled from our database.
You can find more information on the API documentation here but this requires you to have an account registered. Please head here to register a new account.
For detailed usage instructions please refer to the different methods listed below:
Note: -p is required if and only if -i is set to "user-defined".
python -k "123abc" -m "trajectory" -md "gfs_global" -d "2025-01-20T00:00" -a "2025-01-20T03:00" -i "user-defined" -p 8 0 -5 50 --points "1,51,1,100" "2,52,1,100"
- Create a CSV file (e.g., points.csv) with the following format:
- Just like method 1 please use the following terminal command with the exception of adding the csv file path.
python -k "API_KEY" -m "MODE" -md "gfs_global" -d "START_TIME" -a "END_TIME" -i "AIRCRAFT_ID" -p WIND RAIN TEMP_MIN TEMP_MAX --csv /path/to/points.csv
In your Python script, import Sample_Integrate and use the send_request function as shown in below:
import Sample_Integrate
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
mode = "MODE"
model = "MODEL"
start_time = "START_TIME"
end_time = "END_TIME"
aircraft_id = "AIRCRAFT_ID"
parameters = (WIND, RAIN, TEMP_MIN, TEMP_MAX) #optional
points = [
{"point": "1", "Latitude": LATITUDE_1, "Longitude": LONGITUDE_1, "altitude": ALTITUDE_1},
{"point": "2", "Latitude": LATITUDE_2, "Longitude": LONGITUDE_2, "altitude": ALTITUDE_2},
{"point": "3", "Latitude": LATITUDE_3, "Longitude": LONGITUDE_3, "altitude": ALTITUDE_3}
verti_monitor_integrate.send_request(api_key, mode, start_time, end_time, aircraft_id, points, parameters)
Please input the API key where YOUR_API_KEY is
curl --location "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" --header "User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.43.0" \
--header "Accept: */*" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br" --header "Connection: keep-alive" --header "Referer:" \
--header "Host:" --data "{\"ApiKey\": \"YOUR_API_KEY\",\"uuid\": \"UUID\" ,\"mode\": \"MODE\", \"model\": \"MODEL\", \"startTime\": \"START_TIME\", \"endTime\": \"END_TIME\", \"aircraftId\": \"AIRCRAFT_ID\", \"parameters\": {\"wind\": \WIND\, \"rain\": \RAIN\, \"temp_min\": \TEMP_MIN\, \"temp_max\": \TEMP_MAX\}, \"points\": [{\"point\": \1\, \"Latitude\": LATITUDE_1, \"Longitude\": LONGITUDE_1, \"altitude\": ALTITUDE_1}, {\"point\": \2\, \"Latitude\": LATITUDE_2, \"Longitude\": LONGITUDE_2, \"altitude\": ALTITUDE_2}, {\"point\": \3\, \"Latitude\": LATITUDE_3, \"Longitude\": LONGITUDE_3, \"altitude\": ALTITUDE_3}]}"
curl --location "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" --header "User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.43.0" \
--header "Accept: */*" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br" --header "Connection: keep-alive" --header "Referer:" \
--header "Host:" --data "{\"ApiKey\": \"API_KEY\",\"uuid\": \"b4a2ea11-8ad7-42ac-83d3-8c19b0bd4607\", \"mode\": \"trajectory\", \"model\": \"gfs_global\", \"startTime\": \"2025-01-20T00:00\", \"endTime\": \"2025-01-20T03:00\", \"aircraftId\": \"user-defined\", \"parameters\": {\"wind\": 10, \"rain\": 0, \"temp_min\": -5, \"temp_max\": 40}, \"points\": [{\"point\": \"1\", \"Latitude\": 52, \"Longitude\": 2, \"altitude\": 100}, {\"point\": \"2\", \"Latitude\": 53, \"Longitude\": 1, \"altitude\": 100}, {\"point\": \"3\", \"Latitude\": 54, \"Longitude\": 3, \"altitude\": 100}]}"
The output format is the same for all the methods listed above. Here is an example for the output of the API:
"results": [
"status": {
"confidence": "88.28%",
"rationale": "Wind speed exceeds limit at 1 location.",
"result": "0"
"timestamp": "2023-07-19T00:00"
"status": {
"confidence": "88.36%",
"rationale": "All conditions are within the allowable limits.",
"result": "1"
"timestamp": "2023-07-19T01:00"
"uuid": "98377bc3-376e-488c-9459-6abff714b74e"
Here is an example of output in GUI:
For any questions, concerns, or technical support, please reach out to our dedicated support team at
© 2023 DM-AirTech. All rights reserved.