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Dmitry edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 12 revisions

1. Copy plugin-sdk repository to your disk

To download the repository, you must install Git for Windows.

! Git can be installed during Visual Studio installation (2015, 2017) by selecting the corresponding item in the installer.

! Git for Windows XP can be found here:

Run the command line from the folder where plugin-sdk repository is located (or go to this folder from the command line) and run command

git clone

If you plan to continue working with the repository (update or make your changes), you can use TortoiseGit for these purposes.

2. Setup environment variables and install Project Wizard/Templates

Launch installer-launcher.exe in plugin-sdk folder.


! Если у вас есть проблемы с запуском приложений, использующих .NET Framework 4.0, вы можете попробовать запустить версию установщика, который использует .NET Framework 3.5. Для этого откройте папку tools\installer и запустите PluginSdkWizardInstaller_fw3.5.exe с правами администратора

Setup plugin-sdk environment variables in the Setup Plugin-SDK environment variables section. The variable PLUGIN_SDK_DIR is mandatory. More information about variables can be found here.

After configuring PLUGIN_SDK_DIR variable, it will be possible to install additional utilities for Visual Studio and Code::Blocks (click the button in the Install Plugin-SDK Wizard/Templates section).

After the installation, click on the Generate button in the Generate Plugin-SDK solution/workspace section. After that, plugin-sdk solution will be created.

3. Build plugin-sdk solution

Go to the plugin-sdk folder, and open created solution (plugin.sln for Visual Studio, plugin.workspace for Code::Blocks). Build solution in Release and Debug modes.

Visual Studio

Choose building mode


And use menu for building: Build > Build solution (F7 key by default).

See also

Installing development environment (IDE)