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David Hoyle edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 1 revision


This wizard started life back in the Delphi 5 days and was written to periodically auto-save all the open modified IDE files. Useful for working with packages as Delphi at the time didn't save the files on build and compile of the packages. Although this is old, it is still useful today if you are doing a lot of editing between compiles and/or you do not want to save the editor's files each time you compile a project.

AutoSave now supports options to save all modified files before or after compilations of the project group or all modified files in the currently compiling project before or after it is successfully compiled.


This is a very simple tool. It can be accessed from the IDE's main Options dialogue under the Third Party section in RAD Studio or from a context menu under the Help main menu for all versions.

Below shows the autosave dialogue which allows you to set the time interval between saves in seconds and whether you are prompted before the file is saved. It also shows new functionality in version 2.1 for saving modified files before or after compiling projects.

If you want to understand how this wizard works please have a look at the blog post Chapter 2: A simple custom menu (AutoSave) (note there is a fix to this chapter's code in Chapter 3: A simple custom menu (AutoSave) Fixed).

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