Current Version:
- Get-LocalAddresses - returns the IPAddress object for all local network interfaces
- Get-LocalhostFQDN - returns the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the local host
- Get-RemoteAddresses - returns the IPAddress returned from a remote service
- Get-BrowserHistory - returns a list of URLs/Domains found in each browser's history (IE, Chrome, Firefox)
- Get-FileHashBulk - computes multiple hashes for a given file (or files)
- New-RandomCoordinate - generates a random lat&lon
- New-RandomDateTime - generates a random DateTime (relative to now)
- New-RandomMEID - generates a random MEID
- New-RandomString - generates a random string (many options)
- New-RandomExcuse - generates a simple excuse letter
- New-RandomFile - generates a random filled file
- New-RandomBinaryFile - generates a random binary file
- New-RandomCSVFile - generates a random CSV file
- Use-MadLib - fills out a MadLib string
- New-MadLib - creates a MadLib string from text
- New-RandomBitmap - generates a random bitmap
- New-RandomImage - generates a random image based on pattens (random, pixels, shapes)
- Get-BitmapFromFile - generates a bitmap from the bytes of the given file
- Get-VisualHash - generates an image from an input