ROS packages for controlling position, velocity and accelaration of an UAV by interfacing a lower level controller with pitch, roll, yaw and thrust commands
Package includes 3 sub packages
- position_controller is the actual controller node
- path_follower is an externsion for the position_controller that allows to follow given paths/trajectories
- rqt_position_controller is a rqt plugin for external configuration (e.g PIDs)
The position_controller includes 3 nodes
- optical_flow_to_tf_node: A node that is integrating odometry information from the PX4Flow sensor to a tf
- position_controller_tf_node: A generic position controller based on a controlled tf
- position_controller_node: An old implementation that is directly using the information of the PX4Flow sensor, should not be used anymore (deprecated)
The position_controller dependes on a forked version of
- control_toolbox:
- px-ros-pkg for the optical_flow_to_tf_node:
- mikrokopter_node for the control message type, this is probably going to be changed in the future: