- Beautiful buttons with 3D effects, inspired by Josh Comeau's tutorial
- CSS transitions and animations, following Josh Comeau's guide on CSS transitions
- Styling color picker inputs using browser-specific pseudo-elements, as demonstrated in this Coding Artist tutorial
- I used CSS grid, not CSS flex like the tutorial recommended. Kevin, from Coding Tech, was instrumental in helping me out with this with this video explaining
. I initially built the grid with CSS before converting it to Javascript to make it dynamic with the slider. - Learned how difficult tooltips are to make with vanilla Javascript. Finally gave up and used TippyJS.
- Color pickers are not buttons. It took me forever to realize this was the reason my button click event listener wasn't working on the color picker because, well, it isn't a button.
- You need to add a
to your random color generators. Math.floor() returns a string, so I simply needed to concatenate the hashtag to make sure that the generated color value is actually recognized as a hex color. I wanted to make Chrome's CSS parser really work for it...
- Do more with the dynamic buttons. I just lifted the basic buttons from Josh Comeau, but there's plenty more animation work that could be done (e.g. make them springy)
- The Odin Project curriculum for this project had two features for extra credit:
- ✔️
Instead of just changing the color of a square from black to white (for example), have each pass through with the mouse change it to a completely random RGB value. - Then try having each pass just add another 10% of black to it so that only after 10 passes is the square completely black.
- ✔️
- Joe Bob Graphics for excellent etch-a-sketch fonts.