The Fitness Tracker API is designed to keep you on top of your fitness goals by tracking exercises, nutrition, and workouts! This robust API leverages Python with Django and Postgres for a smooth experience.
Backend : Python🐍
Database: Postgres 🐘
Flake8: Enforcing code standards Flake8⚙️
Black: Code formatting Black 🖤
Isort: Sorting imports Isort 📑
Pre-requisite Ensure Postgres is installed. Check the installation guide here. Steps
1.Clone the Project:
git clone
cd fitnesstracker
2.Set Up Virtual Environment:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
3.Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
4.Update Environment Variables:
Rename the env.example
file to .env
and update it as needed.
5.Run Migrations:
python migrate
6.Start the Server:
python runserver
7.Access the API: Visit: Fitness Tracker API 🌐
Install Docker: Installation Guide
Install Postgres: Installation Guide
1.Clone the repository
git clone
cd fitnesstracker
2.Update Environment Variables:
Rename the env.example
file to .env
and update it as needed.
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up
cd scripts
- Exercise
./manage seed_exercises
- Nutritions
./manage seed_nutritions
- Workout
./manage seed_workouts
./ spectacular --color --file schema.yml
1.Apply Kubernetes manifests:
$ kubectl apply -f ops/
2.Port-forward the service:
$ kubectl port-forward service/fitnesstracker 8000:8000
3.Access Minikube dashboard:
$ minikube dashboard --url
4.Get Node Address:
$ kubectl get service fitnesstracker -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'
$ kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}'
5.Configure Ingress:
Get ClusterIP
$ kubectl get service fitnesstracker
Modify /etc/hosts
$ sudo nano /etc/hosts
Add cluster IP to /etc/hosts
##🚀 Use KinD
- Run
make create-cluster
- Install Nginx Ingress Controller
make install-nginxingresscontroller
We 💙 contributions! Here's how you can contribute to the project:
1.Steps to Contribute Fork the Repository: Click on the "Fork" button on the repository page to create your own copy.
2.Clone Your Fork
Once you’ve forked the project, clone your copy to your local machine:
git clone
cd fitnesstracker
3.Create a New Branch:
git checkout -b feature-branch-name
4.Make Your Changes: Add features, fix bugs, or enhance documentation.
5.Commit Your Changes:
Write clear and descriptive commit messages. Your commit messages should be short and concise, summarizing the changes.
git commit -m "Add feature or fix description"
6.Push to Your Fork:
git push origin feature-branch-name
7.Submit a Pull Request: Open a pull request from your fork to the original repository with a clear description.
We look forward to your awesome contributions! 🎉