CUDA Query Tool for 64-bit Console application.
- Add 1.2.3
- Adds elements to the next index.
- Adds elements to the next index.
- Delete 1 (Not implimented)
- Deletes index 1.
- Deletes index 1.
- Request 1
- Returns entry from index 1
- Returns entry from index 1
- Search 1.2 (Not implimented)
- Uses CUDA to find matches, from provided elements,
to elements in an index. Returns index and matches found in index.
- Uses CUDA to find matches, from provided elements,
- Exit
- Exits program.
[TABLE] not yet implimented.
ADD [TABLE] [DATA] - Adds [DATA] to [TABLE] where [DATA] is in 1.1.1 format
GET [TABLE] [INDEX] - Retrieves "1.2.3" string of data by [INDEX] starting with integer 1 in the order added.
UPDATE [TABLE] - Refreshes [TABLE] arrays in GPU memory, that was inserted by ADD.
FIND [TABLE] [DATA] - Searches for [DATA] 1.1.1 which is converted to CPU array, and sent to GPU memory.
STOP [TABLE] [SEARCH_INDEX] - Stops searching for [DATA] in the provided [SEARCH_INDEX]
FREE [TABLE] - Frees up [TABLE] array from local memory and GPU memory.
ACTIVE - Outputs all active search indexes in form of
SAVE [TABLE] [FILE] - Saves [TABLE] and outputs [TABLE] and [FILE] saved to.
LOAD [TABLE] [FILE] - Loads [TABLE] and outputs [TABLE] and [FILE] loaded from.
END - Terminates connection and program.
Create New Project ...
- Installed > Templates > Visual C++ > Win32 > Win32 Console Application
- Name: CyQuda64
Win32 Application Wizard
- Console Application
- Empty Project
- Finish.
Right click project name in solution explorer (CyQuda64)
- Build Customizations
- Check CUDA 7.5 (.targets, .props)
Project > Properties > Configuration Properties
- Click button "Configuration Manager"
- Click drop-down "active solution platform" and click "< New >"
- Set platform type to: x64, copy settings from Win32.
- press OK
- Click drop-down "active solution platform" again, and click "< Edit >"
- Select Win32 and "Remove"
- Examine Configuration Properties > Configuration and make sure Platform is set to "x64"
- press OK
Right click solution name (CyQuda64)
- Properties
- Configuration Properties > General
- Set "Character Set" to
Use Multi-Byte Character Set
- Properties
Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories > Include Directories
$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include;$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v7.5\common\inc\;
Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories > Library Directories
$(VCInstallDir)lib\amd64;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib\amd64;$(WindowsSDK_LibraryPath_x64);C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v7.5\common\lib\;
Configuration Properties > Linker > General
%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories);$(CudaToolkitLibDir);$(CUDA_LIB_PATH);C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v7.5\common\lib\;
Configuration Properties > Linker > Input
Configuration Properties > CUDA C/C++ > Common
Target Machine Platform: 64-bit (--machine 64)
Notice that the 64-bit setup uses different include/library folders than you would use for 32-bit.
- Right click "Source Files"
- Add new item ...
- Nvidia CUDA 7.5 > Code > CUDA C/C++ File
- Name: CyQuda64
- Add.
Copy code from into file, (or import CyCuda64 from zip file.)
- Compile and or Rebuild Solution.