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How to Install CyKIT

CymatiCorp edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

Step 1.

  1. Download the latest CyKIT supported Python release.
    Last tested with python version 3.7.2 (Dec.2018)

Step 2.

  1. Install Python to your preferences.
    Be advised CyKIT can not currently launch with the py launcher.

Step 3.

  1. Install Python to your preferences. If you do not install environment variables,
    please note the location of your install for later use.

Step 4.

  1. Visit the Link to CyKIT repository
    and on the right side, download the repository ZIP.

Step 5.

  1. Extract the ZIP folder to the directory of your choice. ( In our case C:\CyKIT-master )
    Navigate to that folder by Command Prompt, and confirm it works.
  C:\CyKIT-master\>   C:\Python372x32\python.exe .\

Verify you are receiving the programs usage documentation and a prompt to connect.

Installation is complete.