This is a Asterisk Slack Integration, which provides logging of incoming and outgoing phone calls including call progress. It will post a initial message on the first call and updates this on call progress. It is implemented as a Asterisk FastAGI server (listening on local socket port 4574).
- Python 3.x
- configobj
- slackclient
- falcon
For a Python 2.7 version see release tag 0.10.
python3 install
or build a rpm using the provided RPM spec file (tested using CentOS 7). Also a SystemD Unit file is provided, which allows starting and stopping of the FastAGI service.
You will need a Slack API Token to be able to post messages to Slack. Create a Slack API Token with the proper permissions and put the token into a environment variable, before starting the daemon. In addition you can use a config file in /etc/slack-asterisk.conf to override the default values.
Start using Slack Token from environment:
export SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb....
The provided SystemD Unit file will read the Slack Token from /etc/slack-asterisk.token.
Once the service is running, you need to have the FastAGI included in your extensions. Be sure to included all incoming and outgoing dials and all call states.
; incoming call extension
same => n,AGI(agi://
same => n,Dial(SIP/FIXME,120,trM(slack-answered^${UNIQUEID})) ; Macro see below
; congestion, hangup, ... call states
exten => congestion,1,Noop(Congestion called)
same => next,AGI(agi://
same => next,Goto(noanswer,1)
exten => chanunavail,1,Noop(Channel unavailable called)
same => next,AGI(agi://
same => next,Goto(noanswer,1)
exten => h,1,Noop(Channel hangup called)
same => next,AGI(agi://
exten => noanswer,1,Set(GREETING=u)
same => next,Goto(leave-voicemail,${EXTEN},1)
exten => busy,1,Set(GREETING=b)
same => next,AGI(agi://
same => next,Goto(leave-voicemail,${EXTEN},1)
In additon define the Macro given below, to catch answered calls.
exten => s,1,Noop(macro slack-answered called)
same => next,AGI(agi://
Config file options are the following (defaults are given):
ip =
port = 4574
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
channel = "telefon"
username = "User"
emoji = ":telephone_receiver:"