Python Course Repository for Information Security
- Python language and its characteristics
- Data input and output
- Variables and their types
- Logical Operators
- Calculations with Python
- Loop Structure
- Condition Structure
- List and dictionaries
- Functions
- Classes
- Exception and error handling
- Object Oriented Programming
- I understand Pip
- Basic libraries
- File Manipulation
- Asynchronous programming
- Sending emails with SMTPLib
- basic regular expression
- Log analysis with Python
- Manipulating your network with Scapy
- socket library
- Creating a simple portscanner
- Creating an executable with Py2exe
- Creating a Brute Force HTTP script
- Creating a Brute Force Script for ZIP
- Creating your first Keylogger
- Creating a Simple Fuzzing Web
- Creating a Web Crawler
- Jython and Burp Suite
- Creating a basic plugin for the Burp Suite
- Creating a Fuzzing for Buffer Overflow
- Creating a simple Ransomware
- Creating a simple disassembler
- Using Tkinter to create GUIs
- Creating Modulo in Metasploit
- Creating a simple PE Scan
- Creating a simple backdoor
- Running a shellcode with Python and MSFVenom
- Cloning website using pywebcopy
- Knowing the Libraries for Hackers
- Conclusion
Rules: Use your Python skills to solve the challenges below, don't forget to submit the scripts for further review. You will receive a Download link with files for your practices.
- Create a script to decode the following base64 (YjRzMzY0X3MzY3IzdEZsNGc=) - 10 Points
- Generate an encrypted RSA using a written 512 key 'RSA_Flag_Secret' and print the decode - 20 Points
- Create a script to filter using Regex URL, IP Address in sample_log.log - 30 Points
- Create a script that disassembler chall.elf files - 20 Points
- Create a script that does Brute Force attacks on HTTP forms - 20 Points
- Create a simple backdoor with client and server - 20 Points
- Create a simple keylogger the way you want, capturing something specific or not - 20 Points
Bonus: Create a script that does at least 3 challenges functions. - 50 Points