- Web security tools and methodologies
- Source code analysis
- Persistent cross-site scripting
- Session hijacking
- .NET deserialization
- Remote code execution
- Blind SQL injections
- Data exfiltration
- Bypassing file upload restrictions and file extension filters
- PHP type juggling with loose comparisons
- PostgreSQL Extension and User Defined Functions
- Bypassing REGEX restrictions
- Magic hashes
- Bypassing character restrictions
- UDF reverse shells
- PostgreSQL large objects
- DOM-based cross site scripting (black box)
- Server side template injection
- Weak random token generation
- XML External Entity Injection
- RCE via database Functions
- OS Command Injection via WebSockets (BlackBox)
- timip-GitHub- Reference guide
- noraj-GitHub - Reference guide
- wetw0rk-Github - Reference guide
- kajalNair-Github - Reference guide
- s0j0hn-Github - Reference guide
- deletehead-Github - Reference guide
- z-r0crypt - Reference guide
- rayhan0x01 - Reference guide
- Nathan-Rague - Reference guide
- Joas Content - Reference guide
- Lawlez-Github - Reference guide
- 0xb120 - Reference Guide
- Jaelkoh
- XXE Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting Exploitation
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Unrestricted File Upload
- Open Redirect
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
- HTML Injection
- Path Traversal
- Broken Authentication & Session Management
- OS Command Injection
- Multiple Ways to Banner Grabbing
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Netcat for Pentester
- WPScan:WordPress Pentesting Framework
- WordPress Pentest Lab Setup in Multiple Ways
- Multiple Ways to Crack WordPress login
- Web Application Pentest Lab Setup on AWS
- Web Application Lab Setup on Windows
- Web Application Pentest Lab setup Using Docker
- Web Shells Penetration Testing
- SMTP Log Poisoning
- HTTP Authentication
- Understanding the HTTP Protocol
- Broken Authentication & Session Management
- Apache Log Poisoning through LFI
- Beginner’s Guide to SQL Injection (Part 1)
- Boolean Based
- How to Bypass SQL Injection Filter
- Form Based SQL Injection
- Dumping Database using Outfile
- OSWE Review - Portuguese Content
- 0xklaue
- greenwolf security
- Cristian R
- 21y4d - Exam Reviews
- Marcin Szydlowski
- Nathan Rague
- Elias Dimopoulos
- OSWE Review - Tips & Tricks - OSWE Review - Tips & Tricks
- Alex-labs
- niebardzo Github - Exam Review
- Marcus Aurelius
- yakuhito
- donavan.sg
- Alexei Kojenov
- (OSWE)-Journey & Review - Offensive Security Web Expert (OSWE) - Journey & Review
- Patryk Bogusz
- svdwi GitHub - OSWE Labs POC
- Werebug.com - OSWE and OSEP
- jvesiluoma
- ApexPredator
- Thomas Peterson
- Alex
- RCESecurity
- Dhakal
- Karol Mazurek
- 4PFSec
- Cobalt.io
- hakansonay
- Jake Mayhew
- Organic Security
- Bitten Tech
- OSWE labs - OSWE labs and exam's review/guide
- HTB Machine
- Deserialization
- B1twis3
- jangelesg GitHub
- rootshooter
- svdwi
- Operating System and Programming Theory
- Client Side Code Execution With Office
- Client Side Code Execution With Jscript
- Process Injection and Migration
- Introduction to Antivirus Evasion
- Advanced Antivirus Evasion
- Application Whitelisting
- Bypassing Network Filters
- Linux Post-Exploitation
- Kiosk Breakouts
- Windows Credentials
- Windows Lateral Movement
- Linux Lateral Movement
- Microsoft SQL Attacks
- Active Directory Exploitation
- Combining the Pieces
- Trying Harder: The Labs
- OSEP Code Snippets
- Experienced Pentester OSEP
- OSEP Pre
- PEN 300 OSEP Prep
- OSEP Thoughts
- OSEP Code Snippets README
- Osep
- Google Drive File
- Awesome Red Team Operations
- OSEP Study Guide 2022 - João Paulo de Andrade Filho
- OSEP PREP Useful Resources Payloads
- OSEP in3x0rab13
- nullg0re
- SpaceRaccoon Dev
- HackSouth YouTube
- Schellman
- Cinzinga
- YouTube iUPyiJbN4l4
- BorderGate
- Reddit OSEP Review
- Reddit OSCP Review
- Purpl3F0xSecur1ty
- MakoSecBlog
- YouTube iUPyiJbN4l4
- YouTube 15sv5eZ0oCM
- YouTube 0n3Li63PwnQ
- YouTube BWNzB1wIEQ
- SpaceRaccoon Dev
- Cas van Cooten
- BorderGate
- MakoSecBlog
- David Lebr1 GitBook
- Offensive Security
- João Paulo de Andrade Filho LinkedIn
- YouTube R1apMwbVuDs
- YouTube iUPyiJbN4l4
- Cristian Cornea Medium
- Security Boulevard
- YouTube R1apMwbVuDs
- Fluid Attacks
- Heartburn.dev
- RootJaxk
- Dhruvagoyal
- IT Security Labs
- Benjamen Lim
- Marmeus
- Winslow
- Jakob Bo Moller
- swzhouu
- SpaceRaccoon Dev - OSEP Review and Exam
- Exploit-DB - Evasion Techniques Breaching Defenses
- OSCP Exam Report Template Markdown
- Offensive Security - OSEP Exam FAQ
- CyberEagle - OSEP Review
- PentestLab - Defense Evasion
- PentestLab - Antivirus Evasion
- PentestLaboratories - Process Herpaderping Windows Defender Evasion
- YouTube - PentesterAcademyTV
- YouTube - PacktVideo
- YouTube - PentesterAcademyTV
- GitHub - In3x0rabl3/OSEP
- GitHub - timip/OSEP
- WinDbg tutorial
- Stack buffer overflows
- Exploiting SEH overflows
- Intro to IDA Pro
- Overcoming space restrictions: Egghunters
- Shellcode from scratch
- Reverse-engineering bugs
- Stack overflows and DEP/ASLR bypass
- Format string specifier attacks
- Custom ROP chains and ROP payload decoders
- snoopysecurity - OSCE Prep
- epi052 - OSED Scripts
- Exploit-DB - Windows User Mode Exploit Development
- r0r0x-xx - OSED Pre
- sradley - OSED
- Nero22k - Exploit Development
- YouTube - 7PMw9GIb8Zs
- YouTube - FH1KptfPLKo
- YouTube - sOMmzUuwtmc
- ExploitLab Blog
- Azeria Labs - Heap Exploit Development Part 1
- ZeroKnights - Getting Started Exploit Lab
- Google Drive File 1
- Google Drive File 2
- Google Drive File 3
- Corelan - Exploit Writing Tutorial Part 1: Stack Based Overflows
- wtsxDev - Exploit Development
- corelan - Corelan Training
- subat0mik - Journey to OSCE
- nanotechz9l - Corelan Exploit Tutorial Part 1: Stack Based Overflows
- snoopysecurity - OSCE Prep
- bigb0sss - OSCE
- epi052 - OSCE Exam Practice
- mdisec - OSCE Preparation
- mohitkhemchandani - OSCE BIBLE
- areyou1or0 - OSCE Exploit Development
- securityELI - CTP OSCE
- Google Drive File 4
- Coalfire Blog - The Basics of Exploit Development
- Connor McGarr - Browser Exploit
- KaliTut - Exploit Development Resources
- 0xZ0F - Z0FCourse Exploit Development
- dest-3 - OSED Resources
- Infosec Institute - Python for Exploit Development
- Anitian - A Study in Exploit Development Part 1: Setup and Proof of Concept
- Sam's Class - WWC 2014
- Stack Overflow - Exploit Development in Python 3
- CTF Writeups - Converting Metasploit Modules to Python
- PacktPub - Networking and Servers
- Cybrary - Exploit Development Part 5
- SpaceRaccoon - ROP and Roll EXP-301 Offensive Security Exploit Development (OSED) Review
- Offensive Security - OSED Exam Guide
- epi052 - OSED Scripts
- YouTube - 0n3Li63PwnQ
- epi052 - Windows Usermode Exploit Development Review
- PythonRepo - epi052 OSED Scripts
- dhn - OSEE
- PythonRepo - epi052 OSED Scripts
- nop-tech - OSED
- Ired Team - ROP Chaining Return Oriented Programming
- InfoSec Writeups - ROP Chains on ARM
- YouTube - 8zRoMAkGYQE
- Infosec Institute - Return Oriented Programming ROP Attacks
- dest-3 - OSED Resources
- mrtouch93 - OSED Notes
- wry4n - OSED Scripts
- r0r0x-xx - OSED Pre
- YouTube - aWHL9hIKTCA
- YouTube - 62mWZ1xd8eM
- ihack4falafel - Offensive Security AWEOSEE Review
- LinkedIn - Advanced Windows Exploitation (OSEE) Review - Etizaz Mohsin
- Animal0day - Reviews for OSCP, OSCE, OSEE, and Corelan
- AddaxSoft - Offensive Security Advanced Windows Exploitation (AWE/OSEE) Review
- jhalon - OSCE Review
- YouTube - NAe6f1_XG6Q
- SpaceRaccoon - ROP and Roll EXP-301 Offensive Security Exploit Development (OSED) Review
- kuhi.to - OFFSEC EXP301 OSED Review
- epi052 - Windows Usermode Exploit Development Review
- SpaceRaccoon - ROP and Roll EXP-301 Offensive Security Exploit Development (OSED) Review
- YouTube - NAe6f1_XG6Q
- LinkedIn - Offensive Security Certified Expert 3 (OSCE3) - Cristian Cornea
- NOP Blog - OSED
- Deep Hacking - OSED Review
- CyberSecurityUP - Buffer Overflow Labs
- ihack4falafel - OSCE
- nathunandwani - CTP OSCE
- sufyandaredevil - OSED - Exploiting SEH Overflows
- firmianay - Life-long Learner - SEED Labs - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Lab
- wadejason - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Lab
- Jeffery-Liu - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Lab
- mutianxu - SEED LAB - Buffer Overflow Attack
- INE - Windows Exploit Development
- Connor McGarr - Browser Exploit
- Coalfire Blog - The Basics of Exploit Development
- Pentest Magazine - Exploit Development Windows
- Steflan Security - Complete Guide to Stack Buffer Overflow (OSCP)
- Offensive Security - EVOCAM Remote Buffer Overflow on OSX
- Exploit-DB - Exploit 42928
- Exploit-DB - Exploit 10434
- OCW CS PUB RO - Lab 08
- epi052 - OSED Scripts
- Bypass and evasion of user mode security mitigations such as DEP, ASLR, CFG, ACG and CET
- Advanced heap manipulations to obtain code execution along with guest-to-host and sandbox escapes
- Disarming WDEG mitigations and creating version independence for weaponization
- 64-Bit Windows Kernel Driver reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery
- Bypass of kernel mode security mitigations such as kASLR, NX, SMEP, SMAP, kCFG and HVCI
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/advanced-windows-exploitation-osee-review-etizaz-mohsin-/
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/state-of-exploit-development-part-2/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH6qocUEor0&ab_channel=BlackHat
- https://github.com/nccgroup/exploit_mitigations/blob/master/windows_mitigations.md
- https://hack.technoherder.com/sandbox-escapes/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUH6ZxYNJFg&ab_channel=ZeroDayInitiative
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDuWcGn5hTQ&ab_channel=ZeroDayInitiative
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0OaGMlBb2k&ab_channel=BlackHat
- https://github.com/MorteNoir1/virtualbox_e1000_0day
- https://blog.palantir.com/assessing-the-effectiveness-of-a-new-security-data-source-windows-defender-exploit-guard-860b69db2ad2
- https://github.com/palantir/exploitguard
- https://github.com/microsoft/Windows-classic-samples
- https://github.com/SofianeHamlaoui/Pentest-Notes/blob/master/offensive-security/code-injection-process-injection/how-to-hook-windows-api-using-c%2B%2B.md
- https://github.com/ndeepak-zzzz/Windows-API-with-Python
- https://int0x33.medium.com/day-59-windows-api-for-pentesting-part-1-178c6ba280cb
- https://ihack4falafel.github.io/Offensive-Security-AWEOSEE-Review/
- https://www.richardosgood.com/posts/advanced-windows-exploitation-review/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srJ1ICC4ON8&ab_channel=DavidAlvesWeb
- https://medium.com/@0xInyiak/my-offensive-security-journey-part-1-5ffbd66fe0c2
- https://github.com/BLACKHAT-SSG/EXP-401-OSEE
- https://github.com/timip/OSEE
- https://github.com/dhn/OSEE
- https://github.com/orangice/AWE-OSEE-Prep
- https://github.com/matthiaskonrath/AWE-OSEE-Prep
- https://github.com/ihack4falafel/OSEE
- https://github.com/gscamelo/OSEE
- https://github.com/w4fz5uck5/3XPL01t5