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Nathan Getty edited this page May 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Configuration Items

Script Options

Parameter Details
TEST_MODE If False, will use real money. If True, will pretend to buy.
LOG_TRADES If True, will log trades to LOG_FILE location
LOG_FILE destination where logs are written

Trading Options

Parameter Details
PAIR_WITH by default USDT, you may choose to pair with any other fiat or coin
QUANTITY the amount to buy in the Pairing chosen above. Be sure to adjust this if you use a different pairing. 15 USDT is very different from 15 BNB.
FIATS a list of fiats and margin symbols to exclude. If you’ve changed PAIR_WITH, be sure to replace USDT here too.
MAX_COINS the maximum amount of coins that the bot will hold. It won’t buy more until it sells some of what it bought.
TIME_DIFFERENCE the amount of time in MINUTES to check the difference in price against. The minimum is currently 1 minute.
RECHECK_INTERVAL the number of times to check how existing trades are doing during the TIME_DIFFERECE. For example, a RECHECK_INTERVAL of 10 would check the stop loss & Take profit thresholds 10 times in 1 minute.
CHANGE_IN_PRICE the threshold in % that signals a buy
STOP_LOSS the fixed, inital stop loss in %
TAKE_PROFIT the fixied, inital take profit
USE_CUSTOM_LIST by default False, the bot will look at all the coins listed on Binance. Set to True to only look at the top 100.
USE_TRAILING_STOP_LOSS by default True. The bot will increate the stop loss as the price increases, allowing you to ride price increase as long as the increase continues. This should make up for higher gains, so it’s recommended you leave it to True.
TRAILING_STOP_LOSS the % increase that dictates when the stop loss will be moved up.
TRAILING_TAKE_PROFIT the % increate dictating when a new TAKE_PROFIT threshold is updated.
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