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Round Data Variables List

Cyanox62 edited this page Dec 12, 2018 · 6 revisions

All of these variables can be put in announcements. The announcement will automatically replace them with their correct data.

  • $scp_alive - The number of currently alive SCPs.
  • $scp_start - The number of alive SCPs on round start.
  • $scp_dead - The amount of SCPs who have been killed.
  • $scp_zombies - The amount of zombies currently alive.
  • $classd_alive - The amount of Class-D currently alive.
  • $classd_escape - The amount of Class-D who have escaped.
  • $classd_start - The amount of Class-D at the start of the round.
  • $scientists_alive - The amount of scientists currently alive.
  • $scientists_escape - The amount of scientists who have escaped.
  • $scientists_start - The amount of scientists at the start of the round.
  • $scp_kills - The amount of kills by SCPs in the current round.
  • $grenade_kills - The amount of kills by grenades in the current round.
  • $mtf_alive - The amount of currently alive Nine Tailed Fox
  • $ci_alive - The amount of currently alive Chaos Insurgency.
  • $tutorial_alive - The amount of currently alive Tutorials.
  • $round_duration - How long the round has been going on for.
  • $escape_class - The class that escaped. This variable will only work in the PE / PLAYERESCAPE command.
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