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Template Manager (Tm) is a macroprocessor that takes a code template and some datastructure definitions, and generates source code for an arbitrary programming language. Thus, by using Tm you can have templates in any programming language.

       +---------------+        +----------------+
       | datastructure |        |      code      |
       |   definition  |        |    template    |
       +---------------+        +----------------+
              |                         |
              -----------      ----------
                        |      |
                        V      V
                     |     Tm      |
                     |             |
                    |    source     |
                    |     code      |

Although it has been used a general-purpose preprocessor and template language, it has special support for the generation of data-structure manipulation code. We use it extensively to generate C code to manipulate the abstract syntax trees of our compiler. The generated code comprises tree manipulation code, but also `tree walkers' to apply user-provided functions on all instances of specific node types, and analyzers that apply a reduction over a whole tree of different node types.

The kernel distribution package of Tm contains extensive C templates (including the tree walker and analyzer templates described above) and a support library. They have been tested and used extensively in the past ten years. These templates have been used in more than ten medium and large programming project. There are separate packages on the web site with a Pascal and a Miranda template, but these have been used less intensively.

Tm is flexible enough that useful templates can be written for any sufficiently powerful programming language. For example, I have written templates for Lisp and for the functional programming language Clean, although these are not good enough for public release. Templates for languages such as Java and Fortran, and for other functional languages, are also eminently possible.

By using templates, especially the standard templates, you can reap the benefits of any template: the code is re-used more intensively, is therefore tested more intensively, is more likely to be documented, and is standardized.

All Tm-related software is licensed under the Gnu Public License (GPL), or the Library Gnu Public License (LGPL).

Tm is used extensively in our Timber compiler, a static compiler for a superset of Java. The Timber compiler has its own GitHub repository at

To give an indication of how intensively Tm is used in the Timber compiler: the Spar/Java frontend of the compiler has 47433 lines of code in Tm input files, Yacc input files, and non-generated C source and header files. The final C source and header files (from Yacc, Tm, or not generated) have a total of 136681 lines of code.