Source code for a Movie Trailer website project as part of Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer NanoDegree.
Clone the GitHub repository and run the in Python 2.7 (developed using Python 2.7.13). This will generate and load a web page in the default system browser that shows information about the six configured movies.
As cloned, the application will use the metadata coded in the movies.cfg sections for each movie:
- The Movie DB movie ID
- Title
- Story Line
- Poster Image
- Trailer URL
The app also offers the option of looking that information up from The Movie DB API. To configure and turn on the API use, a valid API Key must be entered at the top of the movies.cfg file. In the event the API fails or is misconfigured the app will revert to using the metadata in the config file.
- Sign up for an account at The Movie DB:
- For your user, access Account Settings
- Choose the API section, and click the link to "Request an API Key" for a Developer
- Fill out the form, Suggested type of use: Personal, URL: None
- Place the API key (v3 auth) in the [themoviedb] section of the movies.cfg file
- -- Main module that configures and launches the fresh_tomatoes open_movies_page function.
- -- Implements the Movie class to store information and launch the trailer URL.
- -- Implements the MovieDBAPI class to handle the Movie DB API calls.
- movies.cfg -- Configuration data for
- -- Udacity supplied HTML page generator functions, with minor modifications for styling, display of storyline, and attribution for TMDb data.