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mrclb - Marco edited this page Oct 18, 2024 · 8 revisions

Sleepy Hollows Logo

Need help in the Sleepy Hollows’ land?
Struggling with how to best fight the Rider’s hand?
Lost and seeking where treasures might hide?
Find clues here, but not a full guide.

And with this poem, we, cph101, Jason13Official, and Satisfy, warmly welcome you to Sleepy Hollows!

❤️ Thank you so much for downloading Sleepy Hollows!

This is a simple and plain wiki, consisting only of text, some formatting magic (also known as markdown), and a logo. And that's how it will stay.

Special Thanks

Contributor Role
YOU For downloading and playing Sleepy Hollows
MissLilitu For playtesting
CR-055 For playtesting
Tera For building all these insane structures!
unRoman For creating this awesome logo!

How to Profit

Why the Katy Perry song? Jason13Official listens to this song 24/7. When he's modding, he usually has multiple tabs open and listens to it several times. At the same time. Completely crazy, right?

[Insert Jonathan Frakes meme here]

Yeah - that's made up. I'm the one who does it. :(

But you don't even know who wrote this! HA! (pls dont check)

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