This macro eliminates boilerplate needed to set initial values of Dependency Injected instances' methods in unit tests.
By simply annotating a struct or class with @FatalTestValue
, it auto-generates an initializer invoking fatalError()
for the closure.
To get started, import FatalTestValue: import FatalTestValue
, annotate your struct or class with @FatalTestValue
import FatalTestValue
struct Example {
var create: @Sendable (Int) async throws -> Void
var read: @Sendable (Int) async throws -> String
var update: @Sendable (Int, String) async throws -> Void
var delete: (Int) -> Void
This will automatically generate an extension with a testValue
extension Example {
public static let testValue = Example(
create: { _ in
read: { _ in
update: { _, _ in
delete: { _ in
If you are using GUI to set up Package Dependencies in Xcode, add the URL in Pacakge Dependencies.
If you are using Package.swift add:
url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")
and then add the product to any target that needs access to the macro:
name: "FatalTestValue",
package: "swift-fatal-test-value"