Version 0.1.1
Finally no more installing the console. Simply open up your respectable release and follow the instructions in (In the games folder) to install your games.
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-public...v0.1.1-public
MacOS Users still need to build or use wine.
Do not remove the executable file from its root folder. This will cause a ton of errors beyond our ability to fix.
Build Instructions
Make sure you have npm on your system! Its needed for the installer to work.
- Get your games from the eShop (Not yet intergrated into the main ui fully)
- Add it to the games folder in src
- in the index.html find the games div tag and this html code
<div id="game" style="width: 150px; height: 175px; display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px;" data-number="1">
<img src="Image Link" style="width: 150px; height: 150px;" id="ID">
<p id="gameName" style="font-family: 'Segoe UI Bold'; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; margin-top: -3px">Game Name</p>
Image Link: Link of the Image
ID: gameIcon and a number. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!) ex. gameIcon1
Game Name: The Name of the game
4. in renderer.js add this js code to the handleGameLoading function (its the last one)
document.getElementById('ID').addEventListener("click", event => {
// temp
ID: The id you made earlier
myGame: the name of the game
5. run the installer script (install.bat on windows and on linux or macOS)
Ship - Organiser, Project Manager, Front-End Scripter
TeleKiwi - Backend Scripter, Front-End Scripter, Concepts, Game Design, Module Creation
blue - Backend Scripter, API Creation
Yes - Website Creation, Front-End Scripter
Kaylerr - Developer Extensions, Back-End scripter, pretty much a little bit of everything
Electro - Backend Scripter
RelicStar, Romadillo, darismmj - Music, Front End Scripting
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