A Monte Carlo ray tracer. (See link for detailed description and sample pictures!)
- implemented features:
- ability to handle phong reflection and refraction
- triangles and spheres
- two samplers: stratified and latincube
- kd-tree accelerator
- bump mapping, texture mapping
- importance sampling, direct lighting
- a tiny physics engine framework with partial implementation
- scattering media
- mesh simplification using quadric error metric
- ...
- Sample pictures (more in the images/* folder)
- Texture mapping / depth of field
- Demonstration of sampling technique: cornell box rendered with 10,000 samples per pixel
- Rendering of anisotropic surface interaction and total internal reflection
- Sample video of physics engine: link
- Texture mapping / depth of field
- Acknowledgement: \ Thanks to Wang Cunguang, who provided the 3D model of our school gate.