Thunder is a network transport tool kit powered by gnet
it can build a high performance RPCServer or RPCClient easily. It supports send request synchronously、asynchronously and oneway
func main() {
s := NewRPCServer(config.NewDefaultServerConfig(9003))
// register your func corresponding the code to process the packet with the code
s.RegisterProcessor(1, func(p *protocol.Packet, addr net.Addr) *protocol.Packet {
resp := protocol.NewPacket(1, nil, nil)
resp.Remark = "response message"
return resp
// call the start to start the server
func main() {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("", "")
if err != nil {
c := NewRPCClient(config.NewClientConfig())
// async
err = c.InvokeAsync(context.TODO(), addr, protocol.NewPacket(1, nil, nil), func(future *ResponseFuture) {
c.logger.Infof("%+v", future.Response)
}, time.Second * 3000)
if err != nil {
// sync
p, err := c.InvokeSync(context.TODO(), addr, protocol.NewPacket(1, nil, nil), time.Second * 3000)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v", p)